Starfleet Command

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JDL |Cmdr Holtz & Lt Hohstadt & Guest| "Home Sweet Home"

Posted on 241410.31 @ 11:44pm by Commander Jess Holtz

Mission: Insurrection [Fleet Plot]
Location: Various locations

= Qu'vat Shipyards, Klingon Space =

Jess was in her quarters packing up her belongings she just got word that it was safe for all fleet personnel to return to Earth. "Thank you again for waiting captain Rocheford, if I had known this operation was gonna be this fast we would've been ready." Jess said with a small smirk.

"It's quite all right commander," Trent said giving her a smile, "me and my crew have been gone for 2.5 years what's few more months." Trent added with a soft chuckle but you could see it in his eyes that he was very much excited to get back to Earth even with the potential mess that was waiting for them.

"I've been told we've got about 36 more hours until the backup and transfer is complete. If it's okay with you I would like to get some of my staff moved to your ship so once the backup and transfer is over we can shove off." Jess said as she allowed Herschel to enter.

"Of course my quartermaster have already set-up quarters for you and your staff." Trenton said giving one last nod as the link died. Jess looked away from the console and gave Herschel a smile before standing up and walking over to the couch and taking a seat.

"Day and half and we're heading home," Jess handing Herschel a glass of white wine as she took a seat on the couch. "But before we shove off I wanted to go over what's gonna happen when things get finalized for the Zet-Argus array project." Smiling she took a sip of her wine picking up a PaDD off of the table, "so once we get back to Earth I want you a team to head for the Gamma quadrant."

"So the project is a go?" Herschel asked taking the PaDD and taking a look over it.

"Yes that's the updated contract," Jess said still keeping her smile on her face, "you'll be able to pick your team minus one person. A science officer specializing in harmonics and sound sciences, a lieutenant junior grade Alexia Ducati she's been on the Qu'vat shipyards. She's made some huge break-throughs on subspace frequencies especially on the transfer speeds."

Herschel nodded and took the PaDD and looked over it, "impressive. And the rest of the team?" He asked looking back at Jess as he took his first sip of wine. Jess smiled looking at Herschel he wasn't one looking for advancement he enjoyed what he was doing and would be happy doing this for the rest of his life.

"You'll get to choose your team once we get back to Earth and we figure out what staff we're working with." Jess said, "but on that PaDD is still a generalize list, not sure who is actually still on Earth and willing to come back." Herschel nodded as he finished his drink and setting it down and picking up the PaDD again.

"Welp I better go and pack and check on the backup and transfer," Herschel said standing up and heading for the door but stopped short, "thank you for this opportunity Jess." With a quick hand salute Herschel was out the door and heading for his quarters to collect his belongings. Jess just smiled as she watched him go she still had a few things she needed to wrap up as well.

== Day Day and Half Later ==

"Ma'am the backup and transfer is complete and all staff is on the USS Thanatos." Herschel said, "minus you, me and everyone in this room." He said with a smirk. Smiling Jess looked around the room one more time she wasn't gonna miss this one bit.

"Alright let's head home." And with that the six person team disappeared in a whirling blue light as they arrived on the USS Thanatos as they started their long journey home.

Commander Jess Holtz
Director of Starfleet Communications
USS Thanatos (nps)

Captain Trenton Rocheford (apb Aza)
Commanding Officer
USS Thanatos (nps)

Lieutenant Herschel Hohstadt (apb Aza)
Starfleet Communications Officer
USS Thanatos (nps)


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