Starfleet Command

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Joint Personal Log | Richard Sharpe & Kassi Denterius | Dropping in

Posted on 241411.03 @ 6:50am by General Richard Sharpe & Rear Admiral Kassandra Harper
Edited on on 241411.13 @ 3:10am

Mission: Non-Plot Log

After her meeting with Malone, Kassi had left a message with Hagen to let him know she was going away for a bit and would keep in touch with him. After all she knew he tended to worry about her, even more so lately, and would want to keep up on their talks. Packing her bag, the PaDD tucked at the bottom of it for safe keeping, she threw on some casual clothes before heading out to grab a flight.

Still unsure of why she'd picked the destination she had, her gaze rested upon the mansion before her. Her stance shifted slightly as she leaned against that cane in silent pondering... What the hell was she going to say when he asked what she was doing there. She was in the neighborhood? Bah, this was a mistake, she thought as she looked around a bit more before looking over her shoulder. "Now what..." She muttered to herself.

"Perhaps now you tell me why you've waited this long to pay me a visit, Kassandra." Came a voice, heavily accented with a Yorkshire twang from up the path. Sharpe strolled down the path that led to Kassi from the mansion. "Well, I'm waiting?"

She glanced to Richard with a slightly sheepish look and hint of a blush. "Well, lets see... I've been stuck on a blasted Marine ship for how long? And before that a starbase. Earth seems to be the last place that I've been able to get to. Add that to the fact that I didn't figure you wanted to see me considering the way things were the last time we talked. But then, considering what Malone said, seems you got over that much faster than I did."

"Eh, I get over things. No sense dwelling on what can't be changed." Sharpe replied, as a black and white collie came over to him. He knelt down and gave the dog pats. "Still, its nice to see you."

"I'm actually still not quiet sure why I came here of all places." She said softly as she watched him, ignoring the comment about dwelling on what couldn't be changed. "It's good to see you too." She shifted her bag slightly as she took a couple steps up the path towards him.

"You know, I don't bite." Sharpe smirked. "Paddy here doesn't either, do you boy?" The Collie barked and licked Richard's face.

"No, you just nibble." She said with a slight blush. "And did you really have to leave any implantation about things to Malone??" Walking up closer a hand reached down to let the Collie smell it before she stroked the dogs soft head.

Richard shrugged. "Why not, its not exactly a state secret. The whole of Zetari knew. You being a screamer and all."

Well damn if she didn't go bright red. "Anyways.... That's in the past. Don't suppose you want company for a couple days?" Kassi said as she really tried to not think of her times with him, or anyone for that matter. That too had been in the past as she ponder fact that her next assignment might as well be as a nun someplace.

"Sure, if you want. There's plenty to look at around here." Richard smiled. "Although, I'm not sure I want to... remember old times... if you catch my drift?"

Well that brought a slight scowl at him. "I have no intentions of... remembering... those old times, now or ever. That's why I was fussing at you for bringing it up." She glanced up to the mansion a moment.

"Well, I didn't realise you didn't enjoy it." Sharpe teased her some more. "But, both my daughters are here, and they've both suffered considerably during this war, and I'd like for a bit of stability in their short time here. I've been posted to the Gamma Quadrant, and I'll be separated from them, for who knows how long."

"That's not what I meant." Damn if she didn't blush a little more. "And Yes, I've heard.... your supposed to help keep me in line. You and Andrus." She glanced between him and the area some as they talked. "I'm glad to hear your daughters are alright."

"Yeah..." Sharpe sighed. "They're not happy about my new orders, but what can you do."

"I thought you were supposed to retire, for disobeying orders." Her gaze rested upon him as she said that, knowing full well it was because of her that he'd been given those retirement orders.

"Well, they cancelled that." Sharpe replied bitterly. "I'm stuck in this damn service until I die in it."

"So I suppose me telling you I'm glad... won't go overly well?" Kassi said as she nibbled on her lower lip some. She'd known that... like herself... Starfleet was a big part of him. Without it she figured they both would be lost, some people were like that, and had felt guilty about being the cause of his retirement.

"You're entitled to that opinion." Sharpe replied, cautiously. "But given that I've spent forty years of my life in the service, and I've missed my girls growing up, and I won't be there for them now that my second wife isn't with us anymore - causes me pain. We'd planned for this day, fought hard for it, and they deny it on the eve of success."

"I suppose I could understand that." She said softly, children having been something she'd waited sometime in her life. Still did, yet now... she just didn't see that happening.

"Yanno.... I....." She shifted slightly and glanced back over her shoulder, as if pondering again if she should really be there. Suddenly feeling as though she might be intruding on his family time.

"You're not intruding." He pointed out. "You're a good friend of mine. You damn well better be, since I risked everything to save your blonde butt."

"If you say so...." Though her inner lower lip was nipped upon, she managed a soft smile before giving a little nod. "Actually, I do believe it was Towers that saved me in the long run." She left the 'couple times' part out of it as she tried to tease Richard.

"Yes, well, a good mechanic uses the best tools for the job." He smirked, as he called Towers a tool.

"You know... it's amazing that he sticks around with you, as much of a mean ass as you are to him." Kassi said with a little shake of her head as she smiled again. Perhaps this was why she came.. to be around a friend. That seems to be what she needed lately.

"Oh please, he gives as good as he gets, and he knows he can get away with it with me. I doubt many other General rank officers would put up with him. Presumably why I keep getting him assigned to me." Sharpe replied.

"That's true, you seem to get stuck with him quiet often... and get stuck with me too. Or is it more we get stuck with you." She said smiling now as she took some slow deep breaths of 'real' fresh air.

"Either point of view is probably accurate." Sharpe conceded. "But with me being the senior, I guess it must be that I'm inflicted with intolerable subordinates."

"We'll let you think of it that way... Sir. Am I to assume that he's going to be a part of our new assignments also?" She asked, pondering that idea and wondering if Malone really new what he was doing putting them all together like that.

"The 5th MEU, under Colonel Towers, will be part of my command." Sharpe replied. "So yes, he's coming with."

"Poor Malone..." She said softly with a shake of her head as she glanced to the Mansion again. "I don't think I ever imagined it so big...."

"I don't use all of it, most of it is closed off and sealed to prevent decay and dust." He explained. "Just the common areas and a few of the bedrooms. Occasionally an area is opened up for maintenance, but that's done in rotation."

"You going to show me around, or just stand out here and talk? And if you tell me I'm going to have some blasted shadow while I'm here, I'll warn you now I'll shot them." Kassi said with a firm nod of her head.

"My home, is your home." Sharpe replied. "For as long as you are here."

"Thanks." Kassi said with that warm smile as she started walking with him up to the mansion, taking time during the walk to look around the grounds quietly now.

=/\= End Log =/\=

General Richard Sharpe
CO, 3rd MEF
Gamma Quadrant Command

Rear Admiral Kassi Denterius
Chief of Staff
Gamma Quadrant Command


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