Starfleet Command

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Joint Log | Gen. Sharpe & RAdm. Harper | "Damn gates"

Posted on 241501.05 @ 12:51am by Rear Admiral Kassandra Harper & General Richard Sharpe

Mission: The Fight For Peace [GQ Plot]

Sharpe drove through the colony in his military issue vehicle, a specially retrofitted vehicle that had the cosmetic appearance of a Humvee, but aside from that, had very little in common with its twentieth century counter-part. The electric whirr of the hyper-efficient fusion engine was almost pleasant to the ear, and extremely eco-friendly.

The Humvee came to a stop outside the Starfleet compound. This was a small fenced off area within the colony proper, where Starfleet used to administrate the colony. Immediate impressions were that although it had been neglected, it was in no where near as bad a state as his marine base was. The electric gate wasn't in operation, but there were guards at the entranceway, and they approached the Humvee.

"I'm sorry, but you can't come in here." One of the security peons said to the driver.

"Want a bet?" Richard growled at him. Aside from wearing BDUs, there were no obvious signs of who he was. His rank insignia was on a small patch on his chest, not easily spotted. Otherwise he looked like any other marine.

"This is a restricted area, I'm going to have to ask you to leave, marine." The security guard insisted, being an Ensign, he felt he had rank superiority over this enlisted grunt.

"Well, bugger you then." Richard said, and drove on regardless, breaking down the primitive swing-down barrier and driving on to the main building.

Alarms went off... at least in some places, the lack of the sounds in other places only showed yet another thing that needed to be added to the list of things to fix. Security officers seemed to be popping out of no where. A few chasing down Richard, others heading to take post in places, and all had phasers drawn.

Signor had been speaking with Kassi when the faint sounds of the alarms were heard and instantly went on guard to protect the Admiral. Even Ryker, her over protective canine, was tense and and ready to attack. Muttering as she pulled a phaser out of her desk, she caught sight of the commotion outside her window.

Frowning a moment a brow raised as she muttered. "He didn't... he wouldn't have... I'mma kill him."

Richard pulled the Humvee up outside the door, where a good dozen security personnel were standing with phasers drawn. Either hand phasers or rifles. Ignoring their orders, Richard got out of the Humvee and walked forwards. "You'd better get out of my way, son, or there's gonna be trouble."

Signor had followed her as she made her way down towards the front of the building from the inside. Of course the half Vulcan was trying to tell her she was being illogical by going down there and reminding her that she needed to stay in her office were it was at least halfway safe. Though, as usual, she wasn't listening.

Getting closer and hearing his voice before she was able to see him. Kassi called out. "Stand down, I get to shoot him myself."

"Pff, like you even know how to use that thing - desk jockey." Richard taunted her, smiling.

She tried not to chuckle hearing him, though a slight smirk caught her. "Get back to work." Kassi said with a glance to the officers standing there still looking at Sharpe. "Now." She snapped a bit more firmly, sending them heading off... including Signor, though he left a bit more reluctantly.

"Did you really have to blow though here like you did? You know we will need to replace that gate now... on top of everything else." Kassi said as she headed over to him.

"Oh, like you have problems." Richard replied. "Right now, I think even you could capture my command post, limp and all. At least your buildings are still standing, and appear to be relatively in-tact. At this point, I'm going to have to bulldoze the entire base and start from scratch. Hey look, you have power. I wonder what that's like to have."

"It's actually rather nice... " She teased him. "And the roof over our heads will be helpful for when it rains... something I heard rumor that it was supposed to do in a few days."

"So... why else are you here? Other than to bitch about things?" She asked a bit more seriously as she looked at him with a cant of her head.

"I actually came to see how you were settling in, and how bad things are here." He said, as he looked around. "Apart from your busted up front gate, which you really need to get repaired by the way, you seem to have it pretty good around here."

"No, it's actually not that bad around here... Structure wise at least. Though there is still a lot of updating that needs to be done." She replied as she looked around again. "Though question...." Kassi said looking over to him. "How many times are we going to have to repair that gate? Should I just have them make extra's to keep on hand?"

"Well, if you can get your officers to actually recognise marine officers, and not take a lofty view that they're better than a marine, I might not have to break down your front door to prove a point." He said. "I've put up with enough crap from Starfleet in the last few years, that I won't put up with disrespectful treatment from an Ensign. Now, he'll think twice before being rude. Or he'll shoot first, and ask questions later. Either way, he'll have learned something. I'm a teacher." He grinned at her.

"I'll make sure they know to take that extra moment to ask just who they are dealing with if they don't know." Of course, something still told her she might want to have a few extra gates on hand also. "You know I'm not a big fan of the shoot first thing... people can get hurt that way."

"Then don't join the marines." Richard replied. "It's our job to shoot first, and ask questions later. That's why we make effective troops."

Kassi smirked. "Thought I already became a Marine... Wasn't you the one that welcomed me into the Marines?" Teasing him some in hopes to lighten his mood a bit.

"Ahh... you're the special kind of marine." Richard replied. "The kind I don't expect to pick up a rifle and march in the line, but rather to lay on your back and provide the corps with new recruits every six months." He teased her back, making special emphasis on the Bajoran birth cycle.

A deep blush flowed though her and she couldn't help but to elbow him. "Leave it to you to go there.... Anyways.. maybe we decided not to have kids. After all, you know how protective of me Patrick can be. He's likely to get overly worried about me on that plan." Yeah, that was her story and she was sticking to it. "And even if we did... they could be little Starfleet officers..."

"Not if Patrick has anything to say about it. He'll probably insist that if you have kids, none of them join the service. He's like me, seen too much, wouldn't want his kids to see what he saw." Richard said. "That's why Sarah and Panda will never join the marines as long as I'm alive, no matter how loyal I am to the Corps, they won't have my babies."

Kassi nodded as she listened to him. "Not sure I would want them joining either Service actually. But... kids do have a mind of their own and will do what they want in the end. My mom wanted me to be a civilian and have a nice safe job. We see how well I listened."

"Anyways... Enough talk about kids. Who knows if that's even going to happen. And I'm sure that's the last thing you want to be talking about. After all, do you and Patrick talk about it?" She nudged him and teased. "I can see it now, a couple Marines sitting around talking about baby's."

"You'd be amazed what marines do talk about." Richard replied. "Well, I'd better get back to my disaster. If you find some spare engineers, I could use a few."

"I'll ship you over a few, may even drop by myself... just to see if it's as bad as you are saying it is. Or if you are being over dramatic. In the meantime behave and don't shoot anyone." Kassi said with a little smirk and mutter, after all it's likely to be one of her officers to get shot the way things were going.

"Pff, like I'm going to do what you tell me to do." He said, as he climbed back into his Humvee.

That brought a soft laugh from her. "True... don't forget... dinner tomorrow night." Kassi called as she started stepping back into the building, Ryker padding along with her, as she pondered what all she still needed to focus on lately.

= End Log =

General Richard Sharpe
Commander, 3rd MEF


Rear Admiral Kassi Harper
Commander, Zetari Sector Block


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