Starfleet Command

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Duty Log - ZetSecCmdr & DSFSCI - RAdm Harper & Cmdr Coo

Posted on 241501.12 @ 10:19am by Rear Admiral Kassandra Harper & Commander Rozen Coo PhD

Mission: Reconciliation & Reconstruction [Fleet Plot]

=*=Main Science Operations (MSO), Starfleet Command, Earth=*=

Commander Rozen Coo entered the MSO to start his day. Before he could step down into The Pit, towards the main terminal, the Deputy Director, Commander Malcolm DeMeritt, stopped him. "Sir, you have an incoming communique, Priority One, from a sector block Commander."

"Another one?" he said walking the outer edges of the room towards his office with the Deputy Director falling in step beside him. "I have had more communiques in the past 2 days as Director, then I have ever had in this fleet!"

"Welcome to Starfleet Command," said Mal with a wink.

"Indeed," said Rozen. "Lets see what fires we can put out today." He paused outside of his office door, "Could you head down to Level 4 and see how the MK-28 testings has been coming? I know they are piecing the data back from what was able to be salvaged from Zetari's wreckage, it was on my list this morning but I have a feeling I wont be able to make the trip down there."

"Understood sir, that is why you have a Deputy," said Mal making a note on his PaDD then walking back towards the lift. Rozen slipped into his office, sinking into his chair he called out focusing on a PaDD he picked up off his desk. "Computer, opening awaiting message."

His wall terminal switched from read-outs and maps to the federation banner, then to the open channel. "My apologizes Rear Admiral..." staring down at his PaDD for the information, "...Harper. I am Science Director Rozen Coo, what can I help you out with this morning?" he then looked up at who was on his screen. "...Kassi...?" He put the PaDD back on his desk and stood up facing his wall terminal. "Admiral Denterius, I am sorry for the mix-up ma'am. How can I help you?"

"Commander Coo..." Kassi smiled a little. "And no mix up, It's Admiral Harper now." That smile brightened a bit more. "I heard you were taking over that position, just wanted to see for myself... well, I had a few other reason's to get ahold of you. But one thing at a time I suppose."

"It has been quite the adjustment being here on Earth. I am still getting my land legs... or land limp at least," he said with a chuckle leaning against his desk. "I know things were hectic after the destruction of Zetari, I am sorry I did not contact you. Between getting back to Earth, and finding Kathryn and Sophie, seeing my folks for the first time in four years, and of course going back to physical therapy its been a busy time. While I was on sabbatical I even had to defend my PhD thesis, which I did," he said with a warm smile. "How have things been for you ma'am, assuming we don't have to get right to business?"

"Things have been good, I'm married now and enjoying life again. And Xonnel is giving my my own land legs back. Although it's all taking a bit of adjusting, but then that's life. I'm glad to hear you and your's are all doing well." Kassi offered with that warm smile of her's.

"Its crazy to think that we are almost a galaxy apart now. So who is the lucky man?" asked Rozen.

"Remember the Marine I was seeing before... everything happened. Patrick Harper?" Came the answer as Kassi looked at Rozen.

"Yes, Sergeant Major, correct?" asked Rozen. "Seemed like a stand up fellow."

"He's a Colonel now, but yes that is him." Kassi replied before lifting her glass of water for a drink.

"Well congratulations Mrs. Harper. I am glad to hear out of the ashes a good things were forged," said Rozen. "So you had mentioned this wasn't just a pleasure call?" asked Rozen picking up his PaDD.

"Oh, yes.... I was going to ask...." She paused a moment and grabbed for a tissue as she felt it... the 'Ahhh Choo' of course it didn't stop with just the one sneeze, nope it went on for a spell before stopping. "Sorry about that." She muttered.

"Perhaps you should get that checked out, ma'am," said Rozen with a smirk. "An Admiral being taken down by the common cold. This isn't the stone age ma'am, we can cure that."

"I'll be fine, sorry about that." Kassi said with a slight blush. "Anyways, as I was trying to say. We will be needing some science officers out here. I've already sent Commander O'Brian the list of officers we will need. But figured I would hit you up also."

"Of course," said Rozen. "I will compile a few officers and get some assignments prepared, and forward on a Senior Science Officer for the Sector as well. Working on starting to implement that new chain of command inside of our own science division. I will put it on my list to do," said Rozen looking at his old commander.

Kassi couldn't help but to smile as she listened to him and the way he'd became. They had had some good time and bad, but... she reminded herself... over all he was a friend. "Thanks." She said with a warm look in her eyes. "If you need anything just let me know."

"Thank you Admrial," said Rozen looking to his mentor and friend not just half a world a way, but half a galaxy away. "Coo out." The line went black. He paused a moment feeling nostalgic before getting to work for the day.


Rear Admiral Kassi Harper
Commander, Zetari Sector Block

Commander Rozen Coo, PhD
Director of Starfleet Science
Starfleet Command


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