Starfleet Command

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Federation Council Log | "High and Dry" | FCHC | Ret. Adm Jolias Enor

Posted on 241506.23 @ 10:33am by President Jolias Enor

Mission: Reconciliation & Reconstruction [Fleet Plot]
Location: Earth

[Earth, London]

“We have put off the issue of selecting the new High Commissioner long enough.” Iyaru’s cobalt skin glimmered beneath the crystalline chandelier that twirled above them creating a prismatic cascade on the walls. Her dark eyes focused on the Tellarite across the teak conference table “don’t you agree?”
Trix stiffened casting his gaze towards the ceiling while raising his snout at the Andorian giving great effort to display that expected disdain. “Agree?” He snorted “no, I do not agree. We should take our time to consider the issue carefully.”
“Carefully?” Snow tipped brows rose with an agitated tone “are you an imbecile Trix? Are you telling me that for the past six months you haven’t even given the issue some level of consideration?”
The table suddenly shook as Trix slammed both palms down and stood up as fury cascaded across his expression “how dare you!”
“This banter is unproductive.”
Both Andorian and Tellarite simultaneously tossed angry glances at the oblivious Vulcan. “Stay out of it of it!”

Jolias watched the scene quietly. Had they always been so childish? There was something about this display that bothered him…was it just a show? The thought lingered in his head as he remembered this conversation with the infernal Ezra. The Zakdorn had planted the seed of conspiracy in his mind and now he was beginning to question a lot of things- including this outrageous display of puerility. The table shook again and Jolias carefully wrapped his hand around his glass of water as it wobbled towards the table edge.
“Enough!” A booming voice echoed through the gaudy meeting room and silenced everyone. Jolias sat up and turned his attention to the Bajoran at the end of the table. The short statured man suddenly appeared much larger as he slowly rose from his seat and aimed a finger at the squabbling Councillors “this is the exact reason that the people have lost confidence in the Council. If you are going to act like children, do so on your own time, and spare ours from unnecessary waste. Councillor Aniri is correct. We should elect a new High Commissioner to represent the will of the Security Council.” His eyes turned towards Jolias “I would like to nominate Councillor Enor to the position. As a former Starfleet Admiral and diplomat I believe he would represent the Security Council position while reconciling the recent differences between the Council and Starfleet.”
Startled Jolias blinked in surprise. Before he could even open his mouth to downplay the nomination Iyaru was back on her feet “I second the nomination.”
“Very well. Are there any objections?” The Bajoran gazed across the table where silence reigned. “If there are no objection then let us vote. All those in favor say Aye.”
An echo of “aye” reverberated through the room.
“All those opposed say nay.”
“Very well. It seems our new high commissioner has been selected.”
Jolias sat silently gazing around the table. Just like that. It wouldn’t have bothered him so much if Ezra hadn’t predicted this exact scenario. He wanted to be gracious but instead felt suspicious. Was the Zakdorn right?

[To be continued]

Councillor Jolias Enor
Representative of Trill
Federation Council


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