Starfleet Command

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Fleet Plot Log - ColTowers/Fischer - "Turncoats, Pt 1"

Posted on 241405.02 @ 3:29pm by Colonel Adam Towers

Mission: Insurrection [Fleet Plot]

=*= BEGIN LOG =*=

The USS Vesuvius had been spending it's time along the borders, trying to scrape together and assist any Starfleet loyal ships that had been stranded on their own. UFP vessels had taken to traveling in small packs, and even though a lot of them were hardly top of the line vessels, they were still able to swarm any ship caught alone out in space.

The mere sight of the super carrier was often enough to scare off any pursuers, and the marine vessel had gathered a fair pack of tag alongs. Pickings had become slim, however, and it had been decided between Fischer and Towers that it was time to pack up and head to Klingon space to rejoin the fleet.

"Contact, bearing dead ahead." The helmsman called.

"Now what?" Fischer sighed.

"Uh, sir?"

"Yes, Lieutenant?"

"Vesuvius class vessel incoming. She has vessels with her flying UFP IFF tags."

"What?" Towers said, alarmed.

Fischer raised an eyebrow. "What ship is it?"

"USS St Helens."

"Are those ships escorting her or pursuing her?" Towers asked.

Everyone turned to look at Towers in unison.

"Are you suggesting....?" Fischer asked.

"I'm saying that a Vesuvius class carrier doesn't run from anything unless it absolutely has to. Until they get closer we have to operate under the possibility that she may be allied with those UFP ships."

The Vesuvius' CO frowned. "I thought we retained all marine assets."

Towers shook his head. "We retained the vast majority of marine assets. There are still a few units out there that stayed loyal to the government. Best to be cautious."

"Hail them." Fischer ordered.

"Aye sir."

It took only a few seconds before a face flashed on the screen. Towers felt his heart drop as he recognized the face.

"USS Vesuvius this is the USS St Helens. I suggest you stand down and prepare to be boarded." Brigadier General Clarke was someone from Towers' past, and someone who had never particularly been fond of him. How Clarke had acquired the St. Helens, Towers hadn't a clue. There were only a handful of the carriers in existence.

"General, what are you doing?" Colonel Fischer asked, tenting his fingers.

"Hunting down and apprehending traitors, Colonel. I suggest you stand down if you have any interest in preserving your life and the lives of your crew."

"You would fire on another marine vessel? After this coup by the UFP government? What the hell are you thinking, General?"

"I'm thinking that we're soldiers, Colonel Fischer, and soldiers obey orders. Your orders come from the United Federation of Planets. Now stand down and obey them."

"My orders come from Starfleet Command and the head of the SFMC. I'll not fire the first shot, General, but I will not stand down to you." Fischer said.
"I'd hoped you would say that." Clarke said, cutting the connection.

Towers growled from the back of the bridge, drawing Fischer's attention.

"Will he?" Fischer asked.

Towers nodded. "Oh yes. I'm pretty sure he knows I'm here, General Taylor too, and that's enough to get him to try it."

Fischer sighed. "I wish you'd collected fewer enemies over your travels."

"So do I." Towers admitted

"St. Helens is raising shields. Launching fighters."

Fischer had a pained look on his face.

"Signal all fighters. Magnum launch." He ordered.

"Her escorts are forming up in front. They are creating a fighter screen." Tactical called out.

"They'll try and board us." Towers warned.

Fischer raised an eyebrow. "I find it hard to believe they would have retained enough marines to make a boarding action worthwhile."

Towers shook his head. "Whatever marines they have will be supplemented with UFP security officers. Clarke is a gloryhound, Cael. He'd rather have our heads on sticks than a destroyed ship. It would be the highest feather in his cap if he could disable the Vesuvius and bring her back to Earth with all of us in shackles."

"Clarke and my brother are cut from the same cloth, Colonel Fischer." General Taylor called from the back of the bridge.

"Meaning?" Fischer asked.

"Meaning that they see soldiers as expendable assets. He doesn't care how many people die as long as he gets what he wants. Seems to be a prevalent attitude in UFP these days." Taylor said.

"Well then. Colonel Towers, would you mind deploying the 5th to the vital areas of my ship?"

"Already on it." Towers nodded to Colson and both men left the bridge.

=*= END LOG =*=

Colonel Adam Towers
CO, 5th MEU

Colonel Cael Fischer
CO, USS Vesuvius


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