Romulan Empire Log | The Coming Tempest | Praetor t'Ahaefvthe & EnRiov Rehu
Posted on 241507.02 @ 7:39am by Praetor Arrenhe t'Ahaefvthe
Reconciliation & Reconstruction [Fleet Plot]
Location: Romulus
“A kingdom that has once been destroyed can never come again into being; nor can the dead ever be brought back to life. Hence the enlightened ruler is heedful, and the good general full of caution. This is the way to keep a country at peace and an army intact.” - Sun Tzu
[Romulus, Ki Baratan]
The burning orb of a rising Eisn cast a vibrant hue of amaranth across the morning skyline of Ki Baratan. In the distance the long billowing columns of a taupe clouds slowly crawled along the horizon after drenching the home of Praetorate in a rain shower only minutes earlier. The dampness caused the normally silver towers to glimmer goldenrod reflecting the intensity of the morning sun. At the center of the city a massive behemoth hovered over the Praetorate complex where it shaded the building from the sunlight and instead bathed the marble stonework in a subdued shade of emerald as the complex’s buildings reflected the bright lights of the D’Dherex’s nacelles.
Across the city a long line of armored flitters and military vehicles bearing the emblem of the Praetorate was slowly winding its way through the abandoned traffic nets that had been closed for the convoy. Below them hundreds were beginning to crowd along the muggy streets watching, and in some groups, silently cursing the closure of the traffic nets.
For her part Arrenhe sat in her armored flitter oblivious to commotion below. Her eyes instead were glued to an ISD in her hand as her aid watched intensely. Finally the Praetor lifted the device and held it out towards the aid offering a nod of approval “this will do. I do not wish to deliver anything too aureate. I doubt the humans or Vulcans will be moved by such a monologue. Let us keep it simple for them.” She sighed and looked out the front window at the giant ship floating just above the Praetorate complex “Shiarrael certainly enjoys…entrances.”
T’Mhren shrugged at the Praetor “from what I have been led to understand the Federation News Service is in Ki Baratan to record our departure as part of their broadcast package for the summit. The EnRiov believes that projecting power comes in many forms…even if it is simply on a late night Federation news cast. Though I believe the intended audience actually resides in another area of the Galaxy…”
“Yes. The Klingons.” The last word rolled off Arrenhe’s tongue like a bitter poison. She had always planned to have this meeting once she assumed her role as Praetor. There was still a lot of groundwork to be laid for the Star Empire and Federation to exist in some semblance of lasting peace. She had hoped to have this meeting after the end of the Tholian war and the conclusion of the Federation’s own internal conflict. It would have been well had it not been for the Klingons. Those vile barbaric creatures and their war hungry chancellor whose eyes were now set on Romulan territory along their mutual border. Instead of finding a way to fit the pieces of a complex puzzle together and find some common ground without any interference they will now have the issue of the Klingons looming over the meeting. Even more so when the EnRiov’s full plans come into focus. “Instead of the summit perhaps I should lead a war fleet straight to Qo’nos and whip that imbecilic Chancellor of theirs.”
“Oh?” t’Mhren smiled “that would be quite the show. The Chancellor of the Klingon Empire straddled across your knees while you whipped him like an unruly child.”
“He certainly needs it.” Arrenhe said “did you know that his son served with Shiarrael during her exile in the Federation?”
“I had heard such but I am not aware of the details.”
“Apparently he learned a great deal from her. One must wonder what it is like to have a pupil become your adversary.” As the verbal thought left her lips an image of her nephew flashed into her mind. “In any case I am sure she is more than capable of besting Ch’Krang’s ingrate of a whelp.”
“I would hope.” T’Mhren sat up as the armored flitter slowly lowered until it touched down along the main parade ground. “I believe we have arrived.” She uttered the words just as the flitter’s doors began to part.
Stepping out of the flitter Arrenhe was greeting by a cool gust of air that carried with it the musty smell of wet earth. She nodded her head at one of the guards and followed them to the waiting bomber. All along the parade ground periphery she could see throngs of people gathered and wondered what thoughts lingered in their mind as they watched this spectacle. Did any of them hope for peace? Or were they all simply just curious onlookers expecting failure? Hell, did she expect anything else? With a final wave to the gathered crowds she slowly made her way up the ramp and into the small transport.
[IRW Hhveir Ri'hwathech]
Shiarrael stood near the bay doors as they slowly opened revealing the drenched city below glimmering against the morning sun. Looking through the opening she could barely make out the line of flitters as they slowly paraded across the city like a convoy of insects. So tiny, so fragile, how many times would others in this moment toss a disruptor bolt into them like a child drenching an insect mound in water? Too many would have.
Like an array of gnats six tiny specs lifted up from the parade ground’s center and slowly floated through the sky towards the Hhveir Ri’hwathech’s hangar bay. Shiarrael walked across the massive hangar to the landing control center and watched as the bombers poured in. She waited quietly as they set across the polished metallic floor in neat rows where a flurry of technicians rushed over to help secure them. Slowly heading to the lead bomber she waited as the Praetor carefully made her way down the back ramp along with her small contingent of guards “welcome aboard the Hhveir Ri’hwathech Praetor. It is an honor to carry your banner aboard out vessel.” She bowed lightly.
“Honor?” Arrenhe’s eyes seemed to shimmer against the bright lights of the hangar as she returned the bow halfheartedly “somehow I doubt that Shiarrael but it is still good to be here. I will spend most of the trip in my room. So you can inform your crew to be at ease. Bedah.”
Shiarrael nodded and instructed one of the ship’s security officers to escort the Praetor to her room. When the contingent disappeared beyond the doorway she allowed herself a moment to sigh and then headed out herself.
As soon as she stepped out of the lift a cacophony of voices echoed through the bridge as crew flurried about between stations. In the front of the bridge the main viewer was focused on a panoramic shot of Ki Baratan skyline and the partially cloud obscured coastline of the Apnex Sea. “The Praetor is aboard. Take us to orbit.” She announced while making her way to the command throne.
“You heard the EnRiov Lai. Take us up.” Raha spoke as she slid out of the command throne. The ship rattled briefly as the engines powered up bringing the massive ship through the clouds and towards the stars. Raha looked at Shiarrael and bowed “welcome back EnRiov.”
Shiarrael returned the nod and slipped into the plush throne crossed her legs as she watched the turquoise sky slowly fade to diamond speckled blackness. One either side of the Hhveir Ri’hwathech several warbirds pulled out of orbit and moved alongside. She had selected each of the escort vessels herself. The Eisn, Javelin, Tovarek, Vrelnec’Ahui, and Aylhr. All of them commanded by people she trusted or had appointed. It would not do to bring some of the more foolish elements of the Galae to Earth. The last thing they needed was some hothead aristocrat starting a shooting war in Earth of orbit.
“All escorts have entered formation and are awaiting the order to depart for Earth.” Raha spoke up from the primary tactical console.
Earth? Why did this mission make her feel so uneasy? With a deep breath Shiarrael stood up “then they shall have it. Set course for Earth and engage.”
[Meanwhile Ki Baratan]
Opaque streaks of light momentarily flashed across the morning skyline and Vriha turned away lowered the hand she had been using to shield her eyes from the sun “they have departed.”
“Do you think they will succeed? Your friends?” Vriha asked.
“Child I am not omniscient. They have given me a guarantee but nothing in this universe is ever truly certain.”
“And if they fail to kill the Praetor what will you do?”
“Perhaps I will have to deal with the matter myself. We shall see. Now come with me. I can taste the rain. Another storm will come soon. Both here…and on Earth.”
[To be continued]