Starfleet Command

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"A Captain's Conscience - Part 3" - Duty Log - Cpt. Taverain Ramius

Posted on 241510.20 @ 10:27am by Commodore Sebastian Ascari

Mission: Reconciliation & Reconstruction [Fleet Plot]
Location: Starbase, Earth Orbit
Timeline: Current

Ramius reentered the interrogation room and took a seat. He asked Durandal and Redstone to wait outside. If he was going to be successful he felt the need to make this attempt alone. This man was his responsibility to save. If he failed the man who sat motionless before him would be given little quarter, mercy, or compassion. The lieutenant would be relegated to all manner of techniques both subtle and reprehensible in attempt to gather information. The stakes were simply too high to allow morality to get in the way of security. As morally repugnant as it was this man’s future would be sacrificed in an attempt to preserve peace and security. Or at least that is how it would be justified. Few would disagree given the current crisis. What was it about crises that brought out both the best and worst in humanity? Why were some more predicated to adhering to one side of the coin or the other?

He shook his head. He was grappling with questions that individuals had been seeking answers for since the dawn of human existence. He wasn’t qualified to deliver an answer and at the moment lacked the time to further indulge his own conscious. He had a duty to perform as a loyal dog of the state. If he failed to perform that duty there would be severe repercussions both to himself and to those around for which he also had a duty to protect. This mission had placed him into a difficult position and at present he saw no means of escape from what was shaping up to be a no-win scenario.

“Lieutenant Chellan. You’ve stated you did what was asked of you to protect the life of your sister. If that is the case then I need you to help me locate her. As I stated earlier, I am Captain Ramius with Starfleet Intelligence. If you can give me more information on those who forced your hand we can attempt to locate and rescue her. I have the emergency authority to make anything happen. I need you to help me. Please. Let me help you lieutenant! If not for me then talk to me to at least help locate and or save your sister. Do it for her. Help me find her attackers!”

“She’s already dead”, a weak voice stated in the silence of the rectangle room. There was a pause as the buzz of overhead lighting and equipment filled the void of silence.

“There isn’t anything you or intelligence can do. That commander told me she was already dead. Why would he lie? I tried to hold out hope, but for what? They already killed her. They used me as a guillible patsy to kill hundreds on Earth. My efforts to save her were in vain! Everything I did was in vain! I didn’t want any of this to happen! Oh god, why? I tried to save her! I tried to save her.” His voice trailed off as his body shuddered under the weight of extreme emotional and psychological distress.

“Now…now I’m just a common murderer who has sacrificed his future and his sister’s life for nothing…”

“That isn’t true”, Ramius quickly stated elated that he had gotten some sort of response from the lieutenant. His elation was quickly tempered by the tone of the man’s voice and his words which were like daggers that cut to the core of his soul. He had to steel himself against the emotional tension that was present. He felt for this individual. He could pity him, but he couldn’t allow him to cloud his judgement or impede his efforts. There were times, albeit few, that he loathed intelligence work and what he was at times forced to become to fulfill his duties. If there was a monster in the room he was sure it wasn’t the lieutenant sitting before him.

“We don’t know conclusively what happened to anyone. Your sister’s whereabouts are unknown, but that doesn’t mean she’s gone. There is always hope lieutenant. I’ll prove it to you.”

Ramius tapped on the table’s recessed keypad which activated the nearby holographic display that was built into the wall. “Commander Osbiton? Can you hear us?”

“Yes captain. I understand you have a problem located here on Rigel IV?”

“Indeed. A Federation citizen, Evelyn Chellan, has been reported missing. She’s the sister of Lieutenant Chellan here with me. I understand an investigation has been launched, but I need intelligence to work this one behind the scenes. Given the problems here on Earth we don’t have time for the usual red tape. Everlyn’s life may be in severe jeopardy.”

“What do we know about her? I’m pulling up our records as we speak. If I could have more information I can dispatch agents to her home immediately and begin searching for clues.”

“Lieutenant Chellan? Can you provide the commander with information on your sister? The sooner you tell him the faster we can send help.”

Chellan looked up for the first time that afternoon. Bloodshot eyes barely able to hold back intense emotions shimmered in the interrogation room lights. Tear stained cheeks coupled with a haggard expression made the lieutenant that much more pitiful. He slowly turned and looked the screen squinting at its brightness.

“I have three of my best field agents standing by”, Osbiton stated. “Evelyn Chellan, ah here it is. 17634 Section Two, Floor four, of the Hennerac building in Zumo province. Is that correct?”


“Very well. I’m sending our agents now. If there is anything there we will find it lieutenant. I’m also distributing her image to local law enforcement and we’re passing it to all points of transit. If she or anyone looking like her attempts to leave Rigel we will intercept them. Additionally her image is being placed on all video and information displays on a plant wide basis as well as placed in the planet wide information networks. If she’s here and someone has seen her then we should see results soon. If she has been kidnapped then her attackers will soon be on notice that the heat is on – so to speak. Everything that can be done to locate your sister lieutenant is being done or will be done in short order. You have my word that we are using all available resources at our disposal.”

Ramius watched as several tears fell from the man’s face glimmered from the light of the bright display before splashing onto the surface of the tabletop.

“Thank you.”

== Three Hours Later ==

Ramius walked through the round umbilical walkway that connected spacedock with the port airlock aboard the USS Corsair. It had been a long and difficult day. Chellan was finally talking about his interactions with the people who had coerced him to cooperate with their nefarious plans. He had provided far more information that was anticipated. He had even saved one of messages he had received which intelligence was currently analyzing for clues. It would take time to sort through his statements and related information, but it was a promising start.

Redstone’s last minute suggestion had indeed been the very lever needed to pry away the man’s tough defensive shell. After some food and drink the haggard, exhausted expression he had first seen slowly faded. Chellan was an affable, likable man despite the choices he had made. He would have to answer for them, but at least there was some small measure of solace to be had regarding recent matters. The man had regained hope and some measure of faith be that in intelligence, himself, others – Ramius couldn’t be sure. Seeing Chellan with a tiny, sorrowful smile as he departed at least gave him hope for the future and spared him from resorting to actions he was sure he would have ultimately regretted.

“You think he’ll be ok doc”, Ramius said as they headed back down the long arm toward the Corsair.

“I think he’ll be alright. He has to answer for what he’s done, but with the level of cooperation he’s given this afternoon and the amount of information he retained I suspect the prosecution will go easy on him given the evidence and circumstances.”

“I’ve put in a good word. Hopefully, others have the wisdom not to punish this man too harshly for his actions. If I had been in a similar position I’m not sure I could say I would have acted differently. Punishing him won’t undo the damages on Earth and it won’t bring those responsible to justice.”

“What about that sir”, Redstone asked. “Did he provide any new information on those responsible?”

“Too soon to tell. Science is currently washing the video recording through the computers. We’ve also sent it off for analysis at HQ. Between the two of us hopefully we can extract some threads that lead us to those involved.”

“Captain”, a voice called out from behind. Ramius turned to see his chief engineer running toward him down the tunnel.

“Chief. We were just talking about you.”

“We were”, Redstone asked cocking his head.

“Of course we were”, Ramius stated. “You didn’t think I had forgotten about the chief?”

Durandal rolled his eyes.

“I have the results you asked for. I didn’t find any evidence of tampering. Lt. Chellan altered some inventory records, but he did a sloppy job of it. It was only good enough to cause a minor delay – long enough for him to extract and deliver the trilithium. If it hadn’t been for the all Romulan hoopla as of late, I’m not sure he would have succeeded.”

“He did succeed and sadly his success injured or killed a lot of innocent people. How does one weigh the life of a loved one against the lives of others? It takes a strong will to sacrifice someone dear or at least risk their safety when weighed against complete strangers. I’m not sure any of us can say we wouldn’t have made a similar choice in the same situation.”

“I feel sorry for him. I mean the lieutenant. He did what he thought he had to in order to protect his sister.”

“He made the right choice when the time came. He could have surrendered to his pain and fear. In fact, without your suggestion Lt. Redstone, I suspect he already had. You lieutenant deserve an ice cream for your efforts today.”

“Stop treating my like a kid”, Redstone shouted. “Sorry sir. I would prefer it if you did not say such things in front of the crew.”

The doctor and chief engineer laughed.

“You did good Alex”, Ramius stated patting the young lieutenant on his back. “I’ll make sure I put that in my report to fleet as well.”

The tactical officer smiled having earned the captain’s approval which didn’t come easily or often.

“Captain Ramius. There’s an incoming call from a Commander Osbiton from Rigel for you.” Ramius tapped his communicator badge on his chest. “Put him through here. Ramius speaking.”

“Captain, I have good news. We’ve located the lieutenant’s sister and she’s alive and well.”

Ramius couldn’t hold back a wide smile that formed on his face as a result of the news. “She’s alright?”

“Yes. It appears she and several friends received some sort of paid vacation voucher to Rothmos. It’s an exotic and remote destination. We’re checking into this ‘vacation’. My sources indicate that she won this vacation as part of a sweepstakes. We’re currently checking into the specifics of the business entity behind the vacation giveaway. I don’t expect to find much however if our suspects are this adept at manipulating people and events. I doubt this business is a shell company or anything adversely nefarious. They were probably manipulated just as the sister and brother were.”

“I agree, but keep at it Commander. We might stumble upon something and get lucky. Please continue to follow up on all possible leads. I’m sorry to distract you from your normal duties, but I must insist that this matter take priority.”

“Not at all captain. It isn’t too often we get this much excitement here on Rigel. The diversion is not unwelcomed. I’ll rely our findings to you as they come in. Should I communicate this to Lieutenant Chellan?”

“Please do. He’s provided us with everything he knows on the subject. He deserves to know his sister is unharmed. He’s suffered enough.”

“Whoever these people are Captain, they must have access to sophisticated resources and are also well funded. If they convinced Chellan his sister was in danger they must have created a pretty elaborate holographic copy of her.”

“That could have been obtained at any time or while she was on this so called vacation. At this point it would seem few things are beyond our adversaries reach or capability.”

“We’ll keeping searching on our end. Again, if we turn up anything further I’ll contact you. Good hunting Captain.”

“And to you also.”

“Osbiton out.”

Ramius looked at his colleagues with a grin he couldn’t quite contain.

“Looks as though this bleak situation has at least a single ray of sunshine” the doctor commented.

“I’ll take whatever I can get doctor given the circumstances. Hope was the last thing released from Pandora’s Box after it filled the world with demons, darkness, and despair…perhaps we’ve glimpsed some small fragment of it here today.”

“I hope we find the bastards responsible for all the misery they’ve caused”, Redstone stated clenching his fists. “They deserve no quarter after everything they have done.”

“When we find them, and find them we shall, then they will be hard pressed to find any”, Ramius stated with a colder tone.

“Ramius to Corsair. Warm up the engines and prepare to leave spacedock. We’re on our way home.”

~ FIN ~


Captain Taverain Ramius
CO, USS Corsair
Starfleet intelligence

Doctor Keith Durandal
Chief Medical Officer
USS Corsair

Lt. Alexander Redstone
Tactical Officer
USS Corsair


Cmdr. Sai Kusinagi
Chief Engineer
USS Corsair


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