Duty Log | Gen. Richard Sharpe | "The things we do..."
Posted on 241511.30 @ 4:18am by General Richard Sharpe
Mission: The Krigoran War [GQ]
“There is no such thing as closure for soldiers who have survived a war. They have an obligation, a sacred duty, to remember those who fell in battle beside them all their days and to bear witness to the insanity that is war.” - LtGen. Harold G. Moore
The devastation was absolute. Not a living thing moved across the entire plain of vision. As far as the eye could see, there was rubble, scorched earth, destroyed machinery - and the dead. This ground had been hard fought, and the defenders had made the aggressors work hard for it. But now it was over, the battle fought, the day won.
Sharpe stood alone in the middle of the battleground. His staff were a few hundred yards behind him, as he surveyed the scene of the biggest battle of the entire conflict. A battle that had raged across an eleven kilometre front, involving the combined forces of over six thousand men and women at arms, with two hundred armoured vehicles and eighty attack aircraft.
Marines wandered the area, looking for wounded and dead comrades in arms. The sight was heartbreaking, and the decorated war-hero, of countless campaigns and battles, allowed himself to indulge in a few moments of human weakness. He cried as he looked over the battlefield, allowing the tears to flow freely down his cheeks. The one sight that truly broke his resolve, was the Federation flag, shot up and shredded - flying adamantly over the soil paid for by so many young lives. It was a touching tribute to the final battle of so bloody a campaign.
The Krigorans had fought determinedly against Federation forces, and had inflicted severe casualties. But the dogged determination of the 3rd MEF to prove to them that they would not be beaten, that they would not surrender, that they were the best. There would be many notifications going out to loved ones this day, medals would be presented and glory revelled in.
Richard couldn't help but be selfish at this moment, remembering that his best friend had almost died, denying his other closest friend her husband. It was time to move on, to move away. The Krigorans had been defeated, and already - they were signing peace terms with Federation diplomats. Sharpe had been invited, but he declined. Malone could take the credit, he just wanted to go home.
This would be his last command, his final battle. He couldn't do this anymore. The state of emergency in the Federation was not such that it required mandatory service for forty year veterans any more, and he would petition the Head of Starfleet to allow him to retire with full honours and dignity - befitting someone of his service, stature and devotion.
Old Generals should be put out to pasture when their effectiveness runs out, and Sharpe was broken. Despite having won a major victory, bringing about a near disaster into a win, he was burned. He was done, and he knew he was. The Civil War should have been his last real engagement, and he'd been forced into service far longer than he felt it was safe to do so. It was time for a younger man to move up and take over. Old war-horses like himself should move aside to allow the next generation to advance in rank, for as long as he held this command, another two or three star could not.
"General Valenar, my compliments to your fine air staff, and could they rustle me up a ride back to the Ticonderoga. I need to have a word with whoever is running Starfleet these days." Sharpe said, after a very long silence.
= End Log =
OOC: Yet another poke to Thomas for a JL :P
Gen. Richard Sharpe
Commanding General, 3rd MEF