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Klingon Empire Log | Chancellor Ch'Krang | "Homecoming..." Pt1

Posted on 241708.06 @ 12:10am by Chancellor Ch'Krang House of Ch'Krang

Mission: Reconciliation & Reconstruction [Fleet Plot]
Location: Klingon Empire

==K== Great Hall, First City, Qo'noS ==K==

The warmth that beset the great hall would be considered oppressive to some, the Klingons continued to revel in it as their summer rode on, droughts had been reported in nearly all regions on the planet and the great houses had been hard at work making sure that their people were kept in good order. With the help of supply lines set up and maintained by the Chancellor and one of his friends from the Federation, water and essential food and medical supplies flowed into Qo'noS without much trouble.

For the Chancellor himself, the heat was beginning to make him tired and irritable at this very moment, he'd just finished arbitrating another dispute between two of the smaller houses over an insult uttered by one drunk fool who had let himself be overheard by group of seven drunk fools. It had taken all of his self control not to step down from the throne himself and put his weapons into their guts.

Slowly the hall began to empty as he made his way through the crowd and towards his chamber, there were groups milling about, discussing the announcement that was expected to be made when they reconvened, news from the Romulan front made for somber reading for any hot-blooded Klingon warrior, his son was expected to return with a recommendation that seemingly had been leaked to every head of every house, the questions had been coming in thick and fast and so too had the questions over his ability as a leader.

As the door to his chamber slammed shut, Ch'Krang shed his robes and draped them over the back of the nearest chair as he made his way to the replicator, it had been programmed for only one thing and had also been equipped with a proximity sensor so he didn't even need to bother asking anymore. The water was retrieved and the Chancellor almost threw himself into the seat behind his desk before taking a large draught from the tankard.

"Computer, play a selection of opera by Barak-Kadan, the louder the better." he stated as he leant back in the chair and placed a heavy, booted foot upon his desk. As the computer started he took a quick sip from his drink and placed it down before swinging the other leg up onto the desk and closing his eyes in an attempt to relax before the next session was due to open.

==K== Some time later, In orbit over Qo'noS ==K==

Gliding into it's berthing for the first time in several long, hard months, the IKS Ya'Vang looked out of place amongst the rough and dirty ships of the Empire, the technology it shared with Starfleet ships gave it a smooth, almost clean look that always stood out like a sore thumb amongst its brothers and sisters. On the bridge, her Captain was standing from his throne and making his way down to the doors at the rear, a toothy grin crossing his face as he looked over the viewscreen and saw the world below them. "It's good to be home, Jaktor, we've been away far too long." Ch'tan growled at the man who had stepped up to the throne, the massive bulk of the Champion of the Empire dwarfing his Commanding Officer in both height and breadth, the rippling muscles were barely contained by the armour that he'd chosen to wear and his scars offered more than enough proof that he'd fought and killed all of his enemies.

"You are not wrong, Son of Ch'Krang." Jaktor replied with a respectful bow before he took the seat, he was the only one who would ever dare to call him by his family name alone, everyone else would refer to him by his name or rank, but Jaktor had become family to the Chancellor's son, they had spilled the same blood in the same mud. "I will see to it that the men have a chance to spend some time on the surface, it will do them good to see to their families and celebrate the dead."

A nod was the only response that Ch'tan gave for the moment, his heavy footsteps stopped at the door at the rear of the bridge and rang out as he turned back to face the command throne, "If I am needed, I will be with my father, when you're off duty join us, Jaktor."

"Of course,"

Satisfied with the answer, Ch'tan found himself turning back to the door and striding off the bridge as he'd done a thousand times, this time with the transporter room being his destination of choice.

==K== Great Hall, First City, Qo'noS ==K==

Materialising inside the Great Hall was always a breathtaking experience for Ch'tan, the multitude of statues that lined every corridor leading to the hall proper reminded him of what he was striving to achieve, heroes stretching across millennia stared down upon him in judgement, their gaze unbreakable as he made his way towards the private chambers of the Chancellor, the guards did not dare to challenge his authority as he strode through each set of doors as they knew him by sight, the Chancellor's only son was afforded a great measure of respect from his birth-rite but he'd also gained a large proportion of it on his own merit as a General in the fight against the Romulans.

Approaching the door to the private chambers, a smile crossed Ch'tan's face as he recognised the sounds that begun to fill his ears and his soul, Klingon Opera was something that he'd begun exploring when his father had been discovered by the Charon several years ago and it had grown on him, a shared mutual love of the art form had helped him to reconnect with the old man who now sat at the head of an empire.

The door wasn't locked and slid open as he approached, he leant on the frame and regarded his father, he'd not seen him like this before and it was a rare glimpse into the private musings of the grizzled veteran, he cleared his throat and came to attention in the doorway to announce his presence.

Only one person would dare to interrupt the Ch'Krang at the moment and he didn't bother to move, or even open his eyes as a toothed grin crossed his lips, "My boy..." he stated before taking a deep breath in and swinging his legs down, his eyes opened and searched for his tankard, his hand quickly followed and he took a draught again, "It's good to have you back, Ch'tan!" he roared, throwing himself to his feet and launching himself at the armoured man before him, they grasped each other by the shoulders and their foreheads met.

"It's good to be back, father." Ch'tan growled in response as he broke the embrace and stood as firm as he could, "Jaktor will join us when he is able, you know I cannot drag him away from his duty."

"Let the Champion come when he is ready." Ch'Krang coughed in laughter as he moved back to his desk and gestured towards the replicator, "Can I get you a water? or would you prefer something a little stronger?" the older man asked as he sat on the outward edge of the desk.

Ch'tan laughed at the question and dropped himself into one of the chairs across from the desk, "I'll take a firewine if you have it, if I remember right there should be a bottle in your... top left cabinet." he replied with a cheeky grin and a wink that dripped with the knowledge that he was right, because he'd been the one to put it there several months previous for just this occasion.

The bottle was exactly where his son had said it would be and Ch'Krang fished out a couple of mugs they could drink from, dropping them onto the desk he tussled for a few moments with the cap on the bottle of Firewine before it released with a satisfying pop, the smell instantly filling the nostrils of both of the men as it was poured into the two mugs. One was placed into the hands of Ch'tan and the other was retrieved by the Chancellor who raised it in a salute, "Qa'pla!" he shouted.

"tlhIngan maH!" Ch'tan exclaimed in reply before they both took large draughts from the mugs and regretted it a few moments later when it bought a tear to their eyes and forced them both into coughing fits. The younger of the two was the first to recover as the coughing fit turned into laughter, "That... is stronger than I was expecting, the distiller was not lying when he said it'd blow my mind."

Once he'd recovered, Ch'Krang tilted his head back and let out a roar of laughter before looking back at the face of his son as look of serious contemplation crossed his, "So tell me, son... Am I wrong for what I am about to do?"

(To Be Continued...)

Chancellor Ch'Krang
Klingon Empire.


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