Starfleet Command

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"The Way Of The Cowboy" - Part 2 - Director Sebastian Ascari & NPCs

Posted on 241406.09 @ 7:11am by Commodore Sebastian Ascari

Mission: Insurrection [Fleet Plot]
Location: USS Corsair
Timeline: Current

Conference Room - USS Corsair - "The Way Of The Cowboy - Part 2"

“Indeed it will, however we need not do this alone. I have engaged various contacts in an attempt to gauge the status of other intelligence ships, crews, and officers. We should start our search for allies and friends with those we know best – the intelligence ranks”, Admiral Valtren stated from his chair.

“Why there”, Doctor Durandal suddenly chimed in. “I mean isn’t that the last place we should look? What if they…I mean the new order…what if they are expecting such a thing? They have seized Starfleet Intelligence not to mention just about everything else from the sound of it. What if they attempt a double bluff to lure us into the open? They have to know that those who are disloyal to the new government and structure will attempt to contact former friends and allies. Not everyone out there is going to fall into line without question.”

“All valid points doctor”, the admiral answered. “It is not without risks, but we should start with those we know and know well. It’s a game of poker to be sure. We will play the people in this case…not the cards. It is easier to detect a deceitful friend than a deceitful stranger.”

“And it might be just as easy to be lured into a trap by the same so-called friend if they play on our trust and faith. Everyone in intelligence will be thinking the same thing – there will be no trust. Friendships then are useless”, the tactical officer, Lt. Redstone, stated adding his opinion to the discussion.

“Never underestimate the bonds of friendship lieutenant”, the admiral stated. “There are those who will play the game as a means of cover simply to remain players. Their loyalties may be not be with the new government and authorities, but they may act the parts they are given in order to survive.”

“And if they are acting how to we determine that? What if they are playing the game not as cover but to play us and others like us? Intelligence assets are their first, best weapon against dissent and opposition. They will move quickly to consolidate intelligence forces and then deploy them on a massive scale to deal with their problems quietly and quickly. They do not desire bad press as that would inflame the populace and erode their support base. We’re better off pursuing non-intelligence assets to ascertain their allegiances. This sounds like we’re playing with fire…with respect sirs”, Redstone added.

“It is a dangerous game lieutenant”, Ramius interjected looking at his tactical officer. “But the Corsair is no stranger to such things. The question is, who do we trust? Who can we believe? I think the answer is no one, for now. Trust will have to be earned even where good friends and comrades are concerned. We’ve made our decision to pursue this difficult path however others may not be as committed. They may be sympathetic, but feel powerless. They may be completely hostile to what we represent. We will have to prepare for all contingencies. Trust will have to be rebuilt.”

“We had best find these allies quickly”, the doctor stated. “I’m just a simple ship’s surgeon, but I can tell you that this starship is similar to a biological body. Injuries or damage will have to be treated. Maintenance will be required. If the supplies, resources, and starbases we need to refuel, restock, and repair are controlled by our enemies I can’t imagine this plan having much chance for success.”

“Time is against us doctor. We must move and act swiftly and decisively while the situation remains in flux. Once things solidify and sides are firmly taken…once the fighting begins there will be no turning back and our chances of swaying hearts and minds will be greatly diminished. The sooner we act the better, but we must be smart about our actions”, Ramius answered his surgeon.

“Admiral, what sort of timeline can we expect on these feelers of yours Admiral”, Ascari asked moving the conversation onward.

“A few days at most. We have free use of subspace relays and communications at the moment however that capability will become increasingly unreliable and prone to surveillance. As it stands now sir, this ship doesn’t exist. I expect that advantage to hold for the foreseeable future. Our enemy is not looking for us due to our classified and clandestine nature. I ensured the records of the Corsair and her existence were deleted or destroyed from the systems I had access to on Earth however even my reach has its limits. It isn’t possible to eradicate our footsteps completely. They may identify us in time but for now we are nothing more than a whisper.

“Your confidence is admirable…Admiral, but let us not become complacent or arrogant. Our enemy is too well equipped. I, myself also believe there is a certain degree of ineptitude within their ranks, but that is based on hunches and not on any reliable intelligence. Until then we should treat our enemy as a deadly, dangerous adversary which should be respected and even feared to a degree.”

Valtren nodded and leaned back in his chair. “I am taking all possible precautions. Any communications will be made available to you Director and the senior staff. The individuals I have reached out to are close personal friends and acquaintances. I feel they may share the same ideals as ourselves. Yes, we must remain wary of a double cross, but the situation is dynamic and fluid. A ranking officer may be on one side today and another tomorrow. As such the fleet at large can be considered malleable and more easily swayed and persuaded. We should have more information shortly.”

“Agreed”, Ascari stated. “Admiral we will standby until we hear more from your contacts. This nebula provides us with suitable cover and gives us breathing room to plan potential scenarios we are likely to face. While I loathe to say it this ship needs to be on battle footing and quickly. Captain Ramius. I want daily combat drills scheduled. We must be ready to defend ourselves at a moment’s notice.

Mr. Kusinagi – your engineering team needs to have a firm grasp on our chest of tricks. I expect we will have need of your smoke and mirrors in the coming days.”

The chief engineer nodded. “Aye sir. I have a few additional technical aces we can deploy if needed. Captains can reset their ship’s command codes, but it is harder to replace their equipment and any vulnerabilities that may exist. I happen to have a few intelligence files, courtesy of Admiral Valtren, that detail a few problem areas in fleet computer systems.”

“Is that so”, Ascari stated casting a glance at the Admiral. “Keep them close chief. We will likely need them.”

“Computer tricks work to a point, but they don’t replace raw firepower. Don’t count us pilots out. My lancers and I don’t intend to let everyone else have all the fun.” Ascari’s gaze focused upon the pilot who had saved his life and help in the orchestration of his rescue. “Is your fighter squadron truly prepared Mr. Athalla? You will be asked to turn your weapons upon former allies and friends. Do not be so eager to fly into the field of combat. I can assure you the battlefield will be unlike anything you have seen before. As you will be our front line force in any serious confrontation you and your lancer squadron need to prepare physically and mentally for the task at hand. If we are called upon to fight then it will be you and your pilots who will be tasked with a grave, but vital, responsibility. Do not take it lightly.”

The cocky pilot’s smile faded as the Director’s words passed. “Yes sir. We will be ready when that time comes.”

“If there’s nothing further”, Ascari stated deactivating his padd.

“In fact there is sir”, Captain Zane Akina stated from his seat. The quiet intelligence captain had said nothing during the meeting…until now.

~ To Be Continued ~


Captain Sebastian Ascari
Former Director, Starfleet Intelligence

Captain Taverain Ramius (NPC)
CO, USS Corsair

Admiral James Valtren (NPC)
Starfleet Intelligence - Section Seven

Dr. Keith Durandal (NPC)
CMO, USS Corsair

Cmdr. Alanis Novada (NPC)
XO, USS Corsair

Lt. Alexander Redstone (NPC)
CTAC, USS Corsair

Lt. Cmdr. Sai Kusinagi (NPC)
CEO, USS Corsair

Commander Leon Athalla (NPC)
Squadron Commander - Lancer Squadron
USS Corsair


Captain Zane Akina (NPC)
Intelligence Operative
USS Corsair / SFI


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