Starfleet Command

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"Flag Officers Folly" - Part3 - Cpt. Sebastian Ascari & NPCs

Posted on 241406.13 @ 6:35am by Commodore Sebastian Ascari

Mission: Insurrection [Fleet Plot]
Location: Planet Celanus
Timeline: Current

Ascari slowly opened his eyes. Someone was shaking him as his senses slowly returned. Blinking the fuzzy image of Captain Akina appeared overhead.

"Hey, you ok?"

Ascari nodded realizing he was sitting in a large comfortable chair. His skin prickled as the after effects of being stunned with a phaser became more pronounced. "What..happened", he muttered as he regained his composure.

"Standard procedures. Zephyr doesn't want her visitors knowing where she resides. Also gives her people a chance to identify and search clients. She has to be careful in her line of work."

Ascari rubbed his head. "Wait? You knew this was going to happen? You knew they were going to stun us?"

Akina grinned. "Affirmative. I told you things would get more serious. I also told you to drink up at the bar. It helps mask the residual effects of being stunned. Why do you think I had two shots of that crap the barkeep tried to pass off as bourbon?"

"You could have warned me", he stated as the room finally seemed to come into focus.

"You wanted to see things as they were. And if I had said something would you have agreed?" Not giving the director a chance to respond he continued. "Don't discuss who you are. If you need a name, its Parker. Lt. Parker. And let me do the talking. Are we clear?"


"Alright, get on your feet. This shouldn't take long."

"Does our exit entail the same procedures", Ascari asked standing up from the chair.

Akina smiled. "If she offers us a drink, I suggest you take it", was the only response he received to his question.

Two heavy doors parted across the room which oddly enough did not appear to have an entrance. Were they beamed in somewhere? Perhaps underground? Ascari couldn't determine anything from the room other than this Zephyr had a taste for opulence.

"Let's go."

Ascari followed the captain through the doors into a large circular room. Luxurious accommodations continued. He noted a few statues, works of art, a fireplace, a large desk, and what appeared to be something of a nerve center for operations. Dozens of monitors and computers flashed bits of various information he couldn't quite make out at this distance. Several news channels were visible as were a number of other data sources. This Zephyr appeared well connected or at least put on a good show.

The chair behind the large desk suddenly turned revealing a petite woman that did not at all fit Ascari's preconceptions. "Well, well", she said with a smile. "My Twilight Knight has returned to his maiden. And this time has brought a friend. That's a change from the norm.

Please come in, have a seat."

The captains took a seat in front of the desk as Zephyr stood and made her way to the front of it. "You're looking well Zane. Still alive it would seem given the situation back home."

"A regrettable situation, but yes, I'm still breathing."

"And your friend? Won't you introduce him? You never were good with manners."

"This is Lieutenant Todd Parker. He's a new recruit."

"A lieutenant? Seems a little old for this sort of work", she stated giving Ascari a careful visual inspection.

"Given current affairs we take what we can get", Akina replied.

"So they finally managed to put a leash on you? They have you training raw recruits? What happened to your solo act?"

"It is a temporary situation. I assure you."

"Well, my apologies Lt. Parker. I don't know how much your superior here has told you about me. We have some history together." Zephyr pointed to a tray of various drinks situated between the men's chairs. "Please, make yourselves comfortable gentlemen."

"Not much" Ascari stated so as not to appear rude. He took a glass and poured himself what appeared to be an expensive brandy. Akina also took a glass opting for something harder.

"He always was one for secrets", she answered. "I've only ever managed to learn a few of his."

Ascari wasn't sure what she meant by that last statement, but he had a fair idea.

"So what are you doing here on Celanus, Zane? Just passing through? Training cruise?"

An image of the Corsair suddenly appeared overhead on a large display. "That's an interesting starship you happen to have sailed in on. Doesn't seem to match anything on record. What class is it?"

"Since when have starships interested you", Akina replied taking a sip of his drink. "I never figured you had an interest in ships of the line."

"Business opportunities change. These days I find my interests expanding into many different areas. Certainly appears to be a menacing looking ship with a lot of firepower. Tell me Zane, which side are you playing for these days?"

"Excuse me", Akina said sipping his drink.

"Don't play coy with me. We've known each other for too long. Surely you've taken sides. So are you playing for or against the home team? I assume your visit has something to do with such matters."

"Well this is a change. Straight to business with only a hint of chit chat? Business booming so much that you cannot clear a few hours from your schedule for your knight in shining armor?"

"You're hardly a knight and you're even less chivalrous", Zephyr answered with a smirk. "Business is always booming if you know your customers. So what morsel of intelligence are you after today love? I doubt this is a social visit. If it is well we may have to find something to entertain your lieutenant here for a time."

"He's easily amused", Akina answered, but more to the point, no I'm not here for a normal visit. I need to know anything you have on the people pulling the strings back on Earth."

"So you ARE playing against them. I knew it. You may have a jaded, tough exterior, but deep down I always thought you to be a man of duty and principle. Mostly anyway."

"Look we're in a bit of a hurry given the current situation which I am sure you can appreciate. I have a small peace offering if that helps not that you should expect such things given our arrangement."

Akina withdrew a small data chip. Zephyr quickly made her way for it, but Akina pulled it away just out of her grasp. "Let's hear what you know first."

"You know I could just take that from you", she stated.

"Where would the fun in that be", Akina replied. "Besides, you can't do a thing with it unless I tell you how to decrypt its contents. So what do you know about this group Federation First?"

"I know they are executing or removing anyone standing in their way including some of my best contacts. Some of those relationships took years to establish. I've watched it all evaporate in a matter of days." Zephyr leaned forward looking into Zane's eyes. Her position and the proximity of certain body features to Captain Akina's face was no doubt...intentional. "Just trust me on this one captain, you're better off leaving the hornet's nest alone. They're ruthless people from little I know. I wouldn't want to see you get stung."

"I'll take the risk. What do you know?"

"Well don't say I didn't try and warn you." She reached out and traced a playful line through Akina's hair, running it slowly across his forehead, and then down across the bridge of his nose. "I don't have much. They simply sprang into existence around the time Earth was attacked by the Cardassians. There were rumors. Whispers. Nothing concrete. Certainly nothing that could predict what happened on Earth nor how they have managed to win popular support at least for the moment. I suspect the chaos will create indecision within the Federation and its member worlds. Who knows...this could be a historic time! The entire Federation may unravel depending on how the winds blow. Such an exciting time for those with my talents!"

"That's pretty vague. I need details and quickly."

"That's all I know. I've been giving you free intelligence and information for awhile babe. Have I ever lied?"

"You'd sell your own family for the right price", Akina answered, "but that's one of the things I love about you Zephyr. But why all the mystery? Just give me what you have and I'll be on my way and leave you to the bounty such times will surely bring."

"I told you not to get too close."

"And I said I'd take the risk."

"Very well love. If you want to know about them so can ask them yourself."

Akina stood suddenly, but not before several of Zephyr's armed security forces appeared at the rear of the room.

"Just have a seat dear. I wouldn't want anything to happen to that cute face of yours."

Ascari turned and looked over his shoulder. The exit appeared well covered. They weren't getting out the way they came in. He turned and finished off his drink and began to pour another. It appeared given the rapid change in fortunes that he might need it.

"Why don't you follow the lieutenant's example and have another drink? Or should I say, Director Sebastian Ascari of Starfleet Intelligence?"

Ascari lost his grip on the bottle at the utterance of his name which fell to the floor and shattered.

"You aren't doing anything to ingratiate yourself director. That brandy isn't exactly cheap."

"My apologies for the mess. I don't make it a habit of ruining fine spirits. Especially those provided by someone as intriguing as yourself."

"Director! Flattery will get you everywhere, just not today."

"Cut to the chase Zephyr. Enough playing. What do you want?"

"Well the two of you of course", she said playfully. "One rogue intelligence operative and one rogue Intelligence director should vastly improve my business relationships with certain people back on Earth."

"I saved your life Zephyr. If it wasn't for me you wouldn't be standing here now", Akina shouted. "You would honestly sell me out?"

"You did do me a favor once Zane dear. But that was then. This is now. I still cannot believe you would bring the director on intelligence to me. What were you thinking? Did you think I wouldn't notice? Just a raw recruit? That's the worst excuse I've ever heard. You must be slipping Zane.

Oh and before I forget, you can ignore that implant you have in your right arm. I took the liberty of deactivating it. You won't be able to call for help not that the signal would make it to your ship anyhow from here."

"You want to trade me for what? Favors?", Ascari asked the woman. "And what makes you so sure they won't do to you what you have done to us here? You did say they were ruthless. A hornet's nest I believe you called them. What's to prevent them from eliminating you once they have what they want?"

"Because they need intelligence Director. They cannot trust their own intelligence service just yet until they have had time to purge its ranks and assert their influence upon it. They need time to clean house after your departure. They also need independant agents like me who can feed them information on loyalties, starship whereabouts, personnel movements, plots, plans, and people. And they will likely pay handsomely for it as well. I stand to make more from you in a single transaction and the good will you represent than an entire year of profits. You're a golden goose whose golden egg will hatch again and again long after you are gone."

"I'm far more valuable than any mere goose madame. What would you say to a counter-proposal? Join us. We can feed you information. I am quite sure the Cardassians, Romulans, and even the Klingons would be interested in learning the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of those affiliated with this group, Federation First. You already have a solid relationship with Captain Akina. There would be no reason to expose yourself and take the risks of forging new friendships, especially with friends that shoot people in the back as a matter of practice."

"You surprise me Ascari. Are you so eager to sell out your own species and planet? Would you sell the Federation and Starfleet simply to strike at the heart of your enemy? What of your own people? What if Earth burns as a result of a Klingon invasion? Or Romulan? If so then you are no better than they, far more calculating, and far less reliable. No I think I'll align myself with the side that has more power. I'm sorry director, but yours just isn't large enough for me."

Ascari felt his face flush more in anger than from the woman's tasteless insult.

"They tortured me for days", Ascari stated. "I can't imagine what they would do to someone like yourself who knows so much about so many interesting things. I imagine you would receive similar accommodations. I can say from experience you won't like the rooms or the food."

"I can look after myself."

"Can you", Akina quickly interjected. "You didn't do such a great job the first time we met one another. I can't believe you'd do this!"

"What's wrong captain? Did I shatter your little concept of the world? I only ever promised to provide you with information. I never agreed to ensure your safety. Both of us understand the risks. You're far too trusting."

"Well gentlemen this has been quite pleasant. Zane, I do wish circumstances were different. Business however is business. I am sure you can understand one professional to another. Given that you did save my life, a debt for which I'm eternally grateful. I'll let you go after a brief stay in exchange for what you have on that data chip."

"If I had it to do again. I think I'd still save you anyway. You're even more fun now than you were back then. And baby, you still got it. Too bad there's no time for any of that today."

"Compliments, although appreciated captain, aren't going to win me over."

"You never did know when to quit. That was always your problem."

Akina picked up his glass from the nearby table and poured himself a drink.

"Captain, I don't think now is the time for such things", Ascari chided.

"She's about to send us off to a firing squad. Do you have a better time in mind sir?" He took a sip of the excellent scotch. "As I was saying, you always overcompensated. The extra security, the big weapons, the elaborate personas and overhyped terror - I'd almost say you wish you were a man...if I didn't know you better."

"Do you have a point? You aren't winning any points insulting me Zane."

"Why couldn't you just have given me what I wanted like I asked Zephyr? It would have been so much easier. I mean we had a good thing here! Why ruin that?"

"You're special Zane Akina. But I have an empire to run. I don't do this for honor or duty. I do it to get paid. At the end of the day money talks. Unfortunately for you and the director, it talks far more loudly than either of you."

"I knew you would say that", Akina answered. "It's a shame too. I really had high hopes for you. You could have been something big underground circles."

"What do you mean could? I AM big! I'm one of the biggest! Turning the two of you in will give me an edge with the new Federation masters that I could only dream of! I'll be the biggest information dealer in the quadrant and beyond!"

"No you won't", Akina stated sipping on his glass.

"What did you say", Zephyr asked.

"I said, no, you won't", Akina stated his voice suddenly going from playful to deadly serious.

Ascari was impressed how quickly Akina could switch his emotions on and off like a switch. It was almost mechanical, but what was he on about? What on earth was he attempting to accomplish?

"Are you planning on stopping me captain. Last time I checked, I was the one in control here."

"Control is an illusion and it also happens to be somewhat fleeting."


The line of armed men behind them suddenly began moving forwards with their weapons trained not upon the two captains, but upon the shocked information broker.

The rear doors of the room suddenly parted. Ascari turned to see Admiral James Valtren standing in the doorway flanked by two heavily armed security officers. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"A pleasure to finally meet you Zephyr", he stated from the rear of the room.

A look of panic suddenly spread across the woman's face. Her smile had all but faded.

Moving forwards, Valtren made his way up to Ascari and Akina. "I've spent a considerable amount of time looking for you. I'm quite impressed with your little fiefdom here." The admiral surveyed the room and its various items of artwork, furniture, and decor.

"Admiral? What is going on here?"

"YOU! You sold me out to him", Zephyr shouted at Akina. "I should have known!"

Akina smiled. "I just saved your life. I never promised to protect your business. You're far too trusting."

Zephyr growled and lunged at the captain who dodged the attack. Moments later she was taken into custody by the security officers and restrained.

"How can you do this to me", she shouted as tears began to run down her face.

"You are gorgeous when you are angry", Akina stated finishing his glass of scotch. "You're just too greedy."

"How? How did you do it? My security is air tight!"

Ascari was as perplexed at recent developments as Zephyr. "Yes, how did you do it?"

Zane laughed. "Simple. I knew you couldn't resist that golden goose. I knew you would double cross me."

"But...but that doesn't explain how you found me or how you got in here?"

Akina produced the data chip. "Greed my dear Zephyr. You didn't scan this did you? You recognized it as a Type 12 covert data storage unit commonly used by the Romulans. Expose this little beauty to enough sensor radiation and poof - it self destructs. It's unscannable, that is if you want to recover what's on it. You couldn't resist the urge to know what it was I had brought you. No doubt you would have enjoyed torturing me yourself to obtain the keys to decrypt its contents before you sold me to the highest bidder. In any event, not scanning this was your undoing. It led the Admiral here right to you. Replacing your hired muscle at that point was simple once we knew where to look."

"Wait just a damned moment", Ascari shouted. "Are you inferring that I WAS the golden goose? You used me as bait knowing that she would recognize me?"

Valtren chuckled. "My apologies director. If you had known your actions and behavior could have been biased and may have complicated matters. We needed you just as you were to draw her out."

"Then our conversation in the ready room? Everything that was said about..."

"That was mostly for your benefit, yes sir. Captain Ramius had the feeling you would attempt to volunteer for the away mission. The three of us were quite certain that Madame Zephyr here would be unable to resist the temptation when she realized who you were sir. We had to offer some token resistance otherwise we were afraid you might become suspicious if we had not objected to your wanting to be apart of this mission."

Ascari was stunned beyond words. He had been played by his own people. The ends appeared to have justified the means, but he couldn't yet reconcile the feelings that he had been made to play the role of the fool.

"Director", Akina stated. "You were brilliant. My apologies for being so course earlier. I can understand if you're upset sir, but please realize none of this would have been possible without you. I do apologize for keeping you in the dark. Where we would have obtained only crumbs from her we now have access to a vast intelligence network that spans the quadrant that we can tap and continue to use.

"You cant! I won't let you! Let me go you bastards! This is my business and my life", Zephyr screamed.

"Not anymore", Akina stated. "It's just business one professional to another."

"We should be going", the Admiral stated. "Director, if you would, please return to the ship with me. Captain Ramius and I can fill you in on the details. Captain Akina, I'll leave her to you. I'll have a computer analysis team sent down shortly to begin looking over her computer and storage systems."

"Aye sir. I'm quite interested to see what she has for us."

"Go easy on her captain. She just lost her business after all."

Akina smiled, but it was a grin that had a certain tinge of darkness behind it.

"Very well. Keep me posted. Director? This way."

Ascari and the Admiral walked out of the room and prepared to beam back to the Corsair.

"Admiral, what will happen to her? You don't intent to..."

Valtren's expression hardened. "No. We have no intentions of killing her if that's what you are asking. We don't operate that way contrary to the latest spy thrillers. If she cooperates then things will be much smoother. If she decides to be difficult we have regulations and procedures for that which are well defined. She won't be physically harmed."

"And when you're done with her what then?"

"The Corsair has a brig. She can remain there until a suitable destination can be found for her. She's a criminal sir. I've been hunting her for a long time. Don't let the pretty face and smooth words fool you. She just turned on you and would have sent you back to our enemies without a second thought. She deserves her fate. There are countless others who were not as lucky as you were today."

Ascari rubbed his forehead. Field work was something far more involved and intense than he had ever imagined even in the dark corners of his mind.

"I'll provide a full report back aboard sir. Valtren to Corsair. Two to beam up."

The two men vanished in a swirl of blue particles as the large doors behind them slowly closed.

~ FIN ~


Captain Sebastian Ascari
Director, Starfleet Intelligence (Deposed)

Captain Zane Akina
Starfleet Intelligence Operative

Admiral James Valtren
Starfleet Intelligence Section 6 (Deposed)


Intelligence Broker "Zephyr"


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