"Insight on Command" - Cpt. Taverain Ramius & Cmdr. Novada
Posted on 241409.24 @ 6:00am by Commodore Sebastian Ascari
Insurrection [Fleet Plot]
Location: USS Corsair
Timeline: Backlog
Location: Ship's Lounge, USS Corsair
Commander Alanis Novada entered the ship’s lounge carrying a padd. Twelve hours had passed since the Corsair’s recent action at the Epsilon-12 station. The crew had continued to work well after the battle with the sovereign class starship despite fatigue and injury. Scuttlebutt among the crew regarded the recent events as a hard fought victory though the commander herself wasn’t so sure. Injuries had been light and there had been no fatalities, but what of the other starship? The Agincourt had been dealt a punishing blow. She was certain there were those aboard who had been hurt or even killed by their actions.
Fighting an enemy was one thing. Fighting fellow Starfleet officers was something she had never thought possible or even considered. The last few months had been the stuff of nightmares. How did one fight friends turned enemies? Could any of them look themselves in the mirror if they survived this affair? How would history judge those who had spilled the blood of comrades in the name of justice? Was it justice or was it nothing more than petty revenge dressed up by Director Ascari and Admiral Valtren?
She despised those who had taken control of Earth and its power centers. They had turned friend upon friend. Allies were now at one another’s throats. Alliances that had taken years to cultivate lie in tatters. Trust had evaporated as had the peace. Destruction, death, conflict, and chaos were all that were visible upon the horizon. The storm that had enveloped the Earth was spreading throughout the galaxy and whatever it touched it corrupted or corroded. Nothing was safe. There were few places to hide.
Everything she had believed in seemed to be slipping away. Her uniform had been the bastion of the ideals she had joined Starfleet for and now its meaning was fading. The Corsair seemed to be a lone candle in a sea of darkness doing everything it could simply to keep burning while the universe around it did everything it could to snuff out its flame.
Entering the lounge she noticed the captain standing at the lounge’s large windows. His figure was silhouetted against the brightness of the nearby Icharian nebula. “So this is where he has hidden himself”, she mused as the doors quietly slid closed behind her.
Novada approached Captain Ramius and saluted her commanding officer as was his custom. The captain preferred tradition aboard the ship, but in other areas was quite lax by Starfleet standards. Under his command she had learned a great deal from him and yet there was so much more hiding behind the captain’s tough exterior. She had only seen glimpses beyond the iron façade he projected. She wondered what was beyond resigning herself to the knowledge that she would likely never know.
“Captain Ramius. I have the reports you requested sir. Engineering has completed temporary repairs on the power systems. Main power has been restored. Our use of the phaser cannons caused significant damage to the power grid on decks two through five. Engineering estimates repairs will require at least seven to twelve days to complete. The resulting fire destroyed the port phaser coils for the port cannon sir. Engineering isn’t sure they can repair that damage without a spacedock. Shields have been restored and the warp drive is functioning normally after recent action.
I have the full damage and injury reports here sir.”
Ramius said nothing and continued to stare out at the blue and silver nebula beyond the windows.
“Sir? Is everything alright?”
Ramius turned. “I wish it were”, he cryptically answered. “What happened to us? What happened to who we are and what we represent?”
Novada stiffened at the captain’s words. Had he read her mind? No! That was impossible. The captain wasn’t telepathic. Was he also contemplating such matters?
“I don’t believe we have changed….except so far as to adapt to the environment around us. It is our environment that has changed and continues to evolve for good or ill depending on your point of view I suppose.”
“My point of view”, the captain repeated quietly. He turned from the window to face his executive officer. “And what is your view Alanis”, he asked addressing her by her first name.
“My viewpoint”, she asked somewhat taken aback by the sudden question.
“The institutions which we pledged our support and loyalty no longer exist in the same form. I swore an oath to protect and defend ideals and institutions that are now twisted and warped. Our encounter with the USS Agincourt is a prime example of the corrosive effect the new government has had upon those with…weaker constitutions.”
“Are they weak or are they simply bending in response to a strong wind? Standing firm against the wind could cause a person to snap under the strain. Perhaps they have no choice?”
“Everyone has a choice sir. Those who do not resist either have no spine for doing so, have abandoned their oaths as officers and enlisted personnel, or selfishly ignore events around them out of self-preservation. Perhaps some are still in denial refusing to believe things are really as bad as they truly are.”
“What should we do with such people? Imprison them? Execute them? Ignore them?”
Alanis sighed. This conversation was delving into the philosophical. She hadn’t fully explored such topics and wasn’t sure she wanted to. Questioning their convictions and beliefs now after all they had been through seemed like a futile exercise.
“To be honest sir, I do not know.”
Ramius turned from the window. “Neither do I”, he stated quietly. “Killing begets more killing. We’re fighting the wrong people. Those in power on Earth ensconced in their ivory towers are to blame. They are the ones who should be brought to justice and account for their actions. Turning on our own people even if they have made poor decisions leaves me with a bitterness that. I am used to fighting a well-defined enemy. Our current enemy is nameless, faceless, and worse they are ourselves! How do you fight friends and allies?
“With much difficulty and soul searching I imagine sir.”
“Sir, if I may be so bold – why are you asking and thinking about such matters given our commitment. Is it not unwise to question the path we have chosen? We are committed and I do not see us turning back now.”
“It is too late to turn back. We have chosen our path and must walk it wherever it leads however it is constructive to question the destination and the route used to reach it. I make no apologies for what we have done and what we will be called upon to do and yet that does not make fighting former friends any easier. Questioning our actions, goals, and motives serves a purpose commander. It helps to define our actions and ideals. Scrutinizing our actions, thoughts, and motives keeps us true to our purpose so that we do not stray from our path or our beliefs.
“Yes sir”, Novada replied attempting to assimilate the captain’s comments and reconcile them with her own thoughts and emotions. She had served with Ramius for several years and yet the man was still an enigma to her. He was cunning yet reckless, jovial and warm yet other times aloof and unapproachable. Often she would catch a glimmer of varying emotions behind his grey blue eyes hinting at deep emotions which he always maintained behind a steel wall held in place by an equally strong iron will and constitution. There were so many conflicting and contradictory sides to the captain. There was more to him which he had never shared. She wondered if indeed anyone truly knew what lie behind those piercing blue eyes.
“Have engineering put together a list of supplies and replacement components needed to affect repairs. Spacedock is out of the question. I doubt we could convince the Klingons or anyone else to help without attracting unwanted attention. We’ll have to handle repairs on our own. I want the phaser cannons repaired. They’re our trump card when situations go from bad to worse.”
“I’ll inform engineering. You know what the chief is going to say.”
“The chief is a strongly opinionated individual, but he does keep this ship held together and in proper working order so I don’t mind cutting him a little slack now and again. We can’t afford to be lax now. Starfleet isn’t going to take the destruction of a key communications station and an attack on one of their starships lightly. They’ll be watching for us now and we have to be ready for anything. Supplies I can obtain. An entire starbase repair facility is beyond our grasp at the moment. The chief will have to go without.”
“Yes sir. Was there anything else?”
“I believe the director wanted to congratulate the crew and decorate several individuals after our recent mission.”
“Not another speech sir?”
Ramius sighed. “I’m afraid so. Ascari seems to enjoy writing grand speeches or listening to his own voice or both. Let’s not get any further on his bad side. I already dressed him down earlier on the bridge. I don’t believe he’s the type to easily forget such a thing.”
“He’s an intelligence officer sir. I don’t understand his hostility toward this crew and this ship. Not to mention yourself. We are all on the same side.”
“He is from a different strata of officer Alanis. His family has aristocratic roots. His world resides in the realm of politics. For the moment he is trapped on a starship with few friends and allies with which he is familiar. He’s been stripped of his title and office. He shoulders a substantial amount of guilt for what happened on Earth. As head of intelligence he likely blames himself for not seeing the coup coming sooner and being caught off guard like the rest of us. Ascari is isolated here aboard the Corsair. He’s wounded on several levels and that shows in his personality. We also saved his life in our rescue attempt. His honor and loyalty demand him to repay that debt in some manner, but as a man versed more in the political his ability to fight back against the enemy is limited. He feels powerless and must continue to ask us to put ourselves in harm’s way when he desperately wants to join the fight.”
“Then why not let him fight?”
“We cannot risk such a thing. He’s too valuable to lose. If he were captured again by the enemy they would make him talk one way or another. He isn’t a field operative and doesn’t have the training to remain safe in dangerous situations. He’s stuck here aboard this ship. His only contribution is in the form of planning, strategy, and tactics. If I know him…he wants to fight. He wants to prove to all of us he has what it takes to cut it in the field. He wants to repay the debt that he believes is owed. Circumstances prevent that. Sadly, I don’t see that changing anytime soon.”
Alanis shook her head. “Is there something we can do? He is a comrade sir. If he is as isolated as you say…”
“He’s a proud officer. He won’t admit anything I have stated if he were questioned nor will he show any weakness. What we see is his defense mechanisms attempting to protect him. He’s vulnerable and he knows it. It must be quite uncomfortable.”
Ramius shook his head. “I’ve said too much. Please tell engineering to proceed with repairs at best possible speed and inform the director that he can address the crew when ready.”
“Yes sir. Goodnight sir.”
Alanis made her way for the door when she was suddenly stopped by the captain’s voice.
“Commander, I want you to get some rest. You’ve been working as hard as anyone else. The ship needs its first officer and I need everyone at their best.”
“Yes sir.”
She took another step before stopping again.
“Yes captain?”
“Good work back there.”
The commander nodded and left the lounge. It was rare for the captain to compliment the senior officers. She believed he expected them to always give their best and that compliments were as such unnecessary. Despite a number of troubling concerns that weighed upon her consciousness a tiny smile crossed her lips. She proceed toward engineering to give the chief engineer the bad news. She knew he already knew what she would tell him, but she might as well make it official.
She wondered how long the Corsair could go on as a lone wolf. Damage, repairs, supply shortages would all eventually take their toll upon ship and crew. This starship housed so many strong willed persons and egos. Somehow they had reached an equilibrium but how long could the peace hold between two captains, an intelligence director, and a Starfleet admiral?
Ramius had given her more than enough to contemplate. She wondered. Had he done that intentionally? Had he somehow sensed her trepidation and forced her to confront and think about it with his questions and statements? Was he that manipulative and calculating?”
She shook her head unsure of the answer. Ramius was an intelligence officer even if his background had been than of a fighter pilot. Perhaps he was trying to tell her something without actually saying it.
Pondering that question she continued down the hall contemplating which would be harder; understanding the captain or accurately predicting the future. Somehow she figured clairvoyance would be the easier of the two options to achieve.
~ FIN ~
Captain Taverain Ramius
CO, USS Corsair
Commander Alanis Novada
XO, USS Corsair