"Getting "re"Settled In
Posted on 241501.08 @ 10:47pm by Fleet Admiral Cerywyn
Reconciliation & Reconstruction [Fleet Plot]
Location: Starbase Versailles; Yadalla Sector
Timeline: SD 241501.08 - Yadalla Sector Command Log | Getting "re" Settled In | Yadalla Sector Commander and Deputy Commander | Admiral Cerywyn and Commander Konuha
=/\= Begin Log =/\=
Hailey took just a moment to ring the chime on the door. Her hand involuntarily clenched into a fist. If she pushed that button, she thought, there's no turning back. Like a tennis match in her mind, there were constant points:counterpoints being batted across her consciousness. "oh this is ridiculous!", she finally chided herself. With a more than slightly shaking hand, she finally reached out. The response was almost immediate, "Come".
Cerywyn sat in a oversized winged back chair in front of a lovely holographic fire place - which seemed her only indulgence. She’d known Hailey was standing outside the door for several minutes and she’d felt the younger woman’s uncertainty. She lifted her gaze and smiled, motioning for Hailey to take the seat opposite of her.
About the same time, a yeoman entered with a tray with blueberry scones and hot tea steeping. She placed the tray on the table between the Admiral and her guest and quickly disappeared. As she did so, Cerywyn called out “Thank you, Yeoman Bette.” The Yeoman turned and gave a delicate nod before disappearing behind the closing door.
"The only thing about being away from any place is the settling in that occurs when one returns” she said as she poured a cup of tea and handed it to Hailey. “It’s been a long time, perhaps long overdue.” She poured on her cup and lifted the steaming cup towards her lips glancing over the rim of the cup as she did so. “I activated your file and I sent for you. I need a Executive Officer that can do dual duty on the station and to assist me with the sector command.” She paused “Yes, I could have selected any number of potential candidates; however, you’ve had plenty of time to sulk and now it’s time to get back to work. You’re more than ready. The question is are you willing?"
Hailey closed her eyes and smiled. She was never able to get anything past Cerywyn. Why would this time be any different? And yet, the years apart had made her - temporarily - forget her directness. It was disconcerting, to say the least. Hailey took the cup and tea and sipped it gingerly as not to burn her tongue. She swallowed and then raised her head slightly with a look of fierce determination. "Admiral, I realize this may seem like a superfluous question to you, but do you have any idea what I've been up to the past years. In particular the past two years?" Hailey felt bluntness begat bluntness. If her work in the Starfleet Underground was going to be an issue, it was best to put cards on the table before anything got "official”.
Cerywyn chuckled lightly. “Hailey, I am well aware of what you have been doing. If I had an issue with it, you would not be here. That said, those activities will be put on hold for the time being. Divisions need healing but that in and of itself takes time as you well know. It doesn’t stand a chance if certain individuals continue to fan the flames. I have no patience for that. Versailles has always had its own underground but I have been weeding out individuals of late. Usually, I show them their options, literally” she said with a dark tone. She shrugged lightly, almost callously, "and for some reason they are quite eager to change their plans.” She sipped her tea and picked up one of the blueberry scones and dipped it in the nearby melted butter. “I seriously doubt I have to take those measures with you. I do want you to think about the uniform you wear. There is no room for divided loyalties."
Hailey's face darkened. Cerywyn had - again - made her feel like a chastised school girl. She was not one for rash outbursts - at least, not any longer; and certainly not in front of Cerywyn. Whatever she felt about the remark, Cerywyn was her mentor- her role model. She quickly composed her thoughts and held her tongue. "Of course, Admiral. That's is completely understood. I did what I felt was needed at the time. I have no regrets and no remorse about it. However, as you so poignantly have made clear - that type of "divided loyalty" isn't needed on this station." Hailey sat up straight. "I am, of course, yours. and I will do my up most to fulfill your expectations of me." Hailey took in a long slow breath. So, that was it. She was back on active duty as an Officer.
"I'm curious, ma'am ... did you get my "message"?", she asked coyly. She wasn't sure if the techniques Cerywyn worked with her all those years ago still "worked”.
Cerywyn nodded. “That you were coming, yes. It was faint which is to be expected. The threads are always there once made - with everyone I’ve ever met…but over time, when not used, they become like echoes but I can usually tell when someone is actively thinking about me.” She paused for a moment. “If they were all ‘active’ at once, it would be awfully loud in here” she said tapping at her head. “It would make it difficult to get anything done above the ‘noise’”.
Hailey smiled. The time apart from Cerywyn had been long - too long. She deeply missed her and truly loved this woman who sat before her. Hailey would lay her life down willing. Cerywyn knew that, of course. The look in her eyes told Hailey just that. She let out a light laugh, "Of course, Admiral. I was simply curious. Perhaps now that we are working closely again those", Hailey searched for the wording, " ... threads did you call them? Will grow stronger. I'd like that." Hailey beamed.
She paused for a moment in the silence. "Well!", she said with anew vigor. Hailey stood up. "I better get myself looking like a Commander instead of a commuter!" She smiled brightly at her Superior Officer. "I'll just get on to my quarters and prepare for the day. What are your orders, ma'am?”
Cerywyn nodded. “First things first. We need a complete rundown of every department, every civilian contractor, every officer, every civilian. . .we need to know what we have to work with. That will take more than just you though. Start by contacting each department head. Ask them for the nuts and bolts of what’s going on in their area.” She frowned slightly. “I’ve got to do the same thing for the sector. Once we have all the pieces sorted, we can see what we can build from there.” She had stood by that point and pulled out the PADD from her pocket, handing it over to Hailey. “These will be new arrivals over the course of the next week. Some are already here. Others, have a bit further to come from.”
Hailey reached out and took the PADD. "Of course, ma'am", she said as she became lost in the manifest. "I'll get on that right away and give you a progress report at the end of shift. If you need me in the mean time, I'll be on the Bridge." Hailey turned and headed out the door finding a spring in her step that wasn't there before.
Cerywyn watched her leave and sighed, muttering to herself. “I hope the rest of this is as easy as that was. . .”