Romulan Empire/Federation Council | The Coming Tempest Part 2| Praetor t'Ahaefvthe
Posted on 241507.19 @ 9:18am by Praetor Arrenhe t'Ahaefvthe
Reconciliation & Reconstruction [Fleet Plot]
Location: Multiple
“Set on your foot,
And with a heart new-fir'd I follow you,
To do I know not what: but it sufficeth
That Brutus leads me on.” – Shakespeare, Julius Cesar, Act II
[USS Crazy Horse]
“Did you disable the internal sensors?” The technician peered over the other’s shoulder as he finished with the corridor console.
“For a moment- but you should have enough time. Just be careful not to blow up the ship. Trilithium resin is some scary shit.”
“I won- wait I think someone is coming.”
“Act like you’re doing something! Now!”
Quickly popping off the console facing both men played with the internal wiring and appeared to be deeply engrossed in their work as the crimson collared officer passed by. Once he stepped into the lift and the doors closed both technicians exhaled “that must be the new Captain. You need to be careful.”
“I know.”
“Well hurry before the sensors come back online!”
[IRW Hhveir Ri'hwathech]
Meanwhile across the quadrant a small retinue of Romulan ships were nearing the neutral zone- the old line of demarcation that represented three centuries of unrelenting hostility…
“We’re nearing the neutral zone.” Lai spoke and Shiarrael straightened her posture in the command throne focusing her eyes on the two-dimensional map currently displayed on the viewer. They were nearing the place her people often referred to as the “outmarches” a region of space long contested with the Federation. Over a century ago her people had been so obsessed with the Federation that a mural of the outmarches was engraved on the floor of the Praetorate. It was slightly ironic to Shiarrael that soon they would cross this sacred battleground into the territory their old enemy in search of lasting peace. Though finding such a thing, if it existed, would not be easy.
“Long range sensors detecting three vessels just within the boundaries of Federation territory.” Raha lifted her eyes away from her console and turned them towards the command throne “all are Starfleet registered. Two Akira carriers and one Excalibur class dreadnaught. They are apparently our escorts. Orders?”
“Welcome them with open arms.” Shiarrael smirked slyly “we are all friends here.” She let the sarcasm roll off her tongue as she stood up “continue on course to Earth. I will inform the Praetor of our progress…”
[Earth, London]
“Starfleet Security has finished all security preparations for the summit. We have also positioned elements of the first, second, and third fleets closer to Sol sector should anything…unfortunate occur.” The cobalt hued Admiral ran a finger through her silken hair while icy eyes reflected the amber hue of a PADD held just in front of her “though I’m sure the Secretary of Defense can go over the plans more in detail during your next briefing.”
Sa’vak sat peacefully behind the desk absorbing the information the Admiral was disseminating to him. “I will surmise then that preparations have neared completion?”
“For the most part, although…” Nan paused, licked her cold lips, and then glanced at the device in her hands apprehensively.
“Is there something disturbing you Admiral?”
“We have a report from Intelligence that shows the Klingons repositioning fleet assets along our border. The movements are not significant but more than noticeable.”
“And you believe this reposition is not routine or fortuity?”
“I do not believe so, no, the Klingons appear to be sending a veiled warning to us about the meeting.”
“And you have been led to this conclusion by what means?”
“The fleet movements would put them in a position to threaten our fleet assets in the Yadalla sector- until yesterday their presence in the region had been insignificant. Do I believe they will move against us? Not likely, however, I think the movements are too overt to be dismissed as a coincidence. The Chancellor is subtly reminding us who the power in the quadrant is these days.”
Sa’vak nodded his head slowly and rose from behind the desk and traced a hand along his right sleeve carefully pressing out a stray crease in the fabric “a reasonable conclusion but we should be cautious with such inferences without explicit confirmation.”
Frustration creased across the Andorian’s forehead but instead of protesting the Admiral simply nodded her head “I understand.”
“Thank you for your time Admiral. You may take leave.”
Nanthrissa nodded her head and turned briskly walking out. When she disappeared beyond the doors the Vulcan turned his gaze towards the Trill sitting adjacent to his desk “and what is your reaction to the Admiral’s observation High Commissioner?”
“The Klingon Chancellor has proven himself to be quite imperious. It wouldn’t surprise me if he was trying to send us a message about the Romulan visit. As we get more intelligence it is becoming apparent that the Klingons are preparing for a large-scale offensive against the Star Empire.”
“Unfortunate but logical...”
[To be continued…]