"Discordant Discourse" - Commo. Sebastian Ascari & Amb. Ian Lamont
Posted on 241507.31 @ 9:46am by Commodore Sebastian Ascari
Reconciliation & Reconstruction [Fleet Plot]
Location: Starfleet Command - San Francisco
Timeline: Backlog
==Conference Room, Starfleet Headquarters, San Francisco, Earth ==
Commodore Sebastian Ascari poured himself another cup of coffee from his position along a long and crowded boardroom table filled with Federation and Starfleet officials. The hour had grown late as various parties discussed the upcoming visit by the Romulan Praetor. Sipping the black coffee, Ascari attempted to remain focused on a meeting that felt as if it had gone on for hours. He glanced at the clock on the wall and sighed. The meeting had actually been going on for hours.
“You expect us to welcome the Romulan delegation with open arms but then tie our hands when it comes to security”, Admiral Theodore Cromwell stated rhetorically his voice carrying with it uncloaked frustration tinged with a hint of anger. “I will not order our ships in orbit to to leave their current stations. They are there to provide security both to Earth and our guests.”
“A fleet of armed starships is not conducive to the upcoming historic meeting Admiral. Your ships will almost certainly be seen as provocative and we cannot risk a military confrontation in Earth orbit! Those ships must be withdrawn at once before the Romulan delegation arrives!”
“A show of strength is exactly the response that is required Ambassador”, the admiral blasted back. “If we withdraw our forces in the name of friendship we will appear weak and foolish in the eyes of the Romulans. The Romulans respect strength and those with the capacity to utilize it when needed. Why else do we have a chain of outposts along the Neutral Zone ambassador? Those stations were not placed there to signal our peaceful intentions. They exist as a deterrant to Romulan aggression and incursions and a reminder to them that the Federation and Starfleet can project power whenever and wherever that may be needed along the Neutral Zone!”
“That is precisely the narrow minded thinking that has kept our two peoples at odds with one another for centuries Admiral Cromwell”, the ambassador fired back. “This visit by the Praetor is hopefully the first step in thawing relations with the Romulan people and may pave the way toward a lasting peace. Your stations and outposts Admiral, he Neutral Zone itself, may soon become relics of a bygone era of mistrust and suspicion.”
“I cannot believe the naivete you diplomats possess, came the admiral's angry retort. “Starfleet has kept the peace between the Federation and the Romulan Empire for almost its entire history. Without the fleet there would be nothing to stop warbirds from streaming over the border of the Neutral Zone! Have you forgotten their attempts to invade Vulcan? What about their endless meddling in Klingon affairs to destabilize the empire and the High Council? How can you sit there and honestly believe that the Romulans will change overnight? The starships in orbit will not be withdrawn!”
“Your brand of thinking and endless confrontations with the Romulans is what perpetuates the current climate of mistrust and suspicion. How can anyone move forward toward peace unless someone is willing to lay down their arms to talk?”
“I have nothing against peace ambassador. However, one should approach peace negotiations from a position of strength not of weakness. The diplomatic corps doesn't negotiate trade agreements or treaties from a position of weakness? Do you settle disputes by backing down, shirking from the tough issues, retreating from confrontation? The answer is no! Furthermore….”
“I have heard enough from Starfleet”, the ambassador interrupted. “We will take this matter up with the Federation Security Council and the President. I am sure they will agree with our position that having an armed armada in Earth orbit is antagonistic and goes against the spirit and intention of this historic meeting.”
Cromwell rapped his hand against the table. “Starfleet Command will not be moving those starships! Furthermore...”
“Gentlemen, gentlemen”, a cool voice interjected. “I believe all of us need to take a moment to reflect on the various positions that have been presented. It is obvious that there are various viewpoints and objections to discuss here. Spirited debate on the matters at hand is welcomed however we cannot allow our differences to spiral out of control into shouting matches. We are all here to arrive at solutions to current issues. The longer we cast accusations and aspersions at one another the longer we shall all remain here. All of us are aware of the issues that require resolution. I suggest we pause for a moment and continue in a more constructive vein so we can accomplish the objectives of this meeting.”
Ascari sipped on his coffee. He wasn't sure how many cups he had already consumed. The answer was likely too many. He felt antsy. He was unsure if it was from the caffeine in the coffee or something else. Romulans visiting Earth was practically unheard of. Many believed this was nothing more than a ruse of some sort to divert Federation or Starfleet attention part of some clever Romulan endgame that had yet to be uncovered. Still others genuinely believed peace was actually on the table and the Praetor's visit was proof of Romulan interest and intentions.
Ascari himself was unsure what to believe. Experience had taught him to retain an open mind in all matters yet years of playing chess with the Romulans had made him wary. His emotions delivered skepticism at the Romluan's peace overtures while logic and reason offered caution. It was always chess with the Romulans. Move, countermove, check and checkmate. Were they serious about peace after so many years of hostility or was this just another ingenious ruse? If it was a ruse, he wondered, what purpose would it serve? What advantages could be obtained from peace talks under false premises? Ascari contemplated recent intelligence reports allowing his mind to drift for a brief moment on possible Romulan motives.
He took a sip of his coffee clearing his head of suspicions and his brief indulgence in them. As far as Starfleet Intelligence was concerned nothing had changed. Intelligence would continue to do their job irrespective of current events or arguing officials. This meeting was endlessly dragging on with admirals and ambassadors at each others throats about arrangements over the coming Romulan visit to Earth. Despite the theatrics and impassioned arguments he was currently forced to endure, Ascari was more impressed with Ambassador Ian Lamont. The ambassador mediating the affair seemed to have a cool head and an even temperament unlike many of the other diplomats in attendance. This Lamont seemed to grasp the big picture. While everyone was busy retreating into defensive rhetorical fortresses and rallying their supporters to their side the ambassador appeared able to manage a roomful of squabbling officials while maintaing the peace. Discussing matters with the Borg seemed a more worthwhile endeavor given the present climate.
Ascari silently sighed setting down his coffee on the boardroom table. He had much work to do to prepare for the Romulan arrival however again there was contention.
“What is Starfleet Intelligence's assessment of the current situation?”
“Commodore Ascari?”
Ascari looked up. Three hours of dry presentations, planning, and bickering for a few minutes of limelight; it was hardly worthwhile.
“Our operatives will be positioned during the Preator's visit to Earth to ensure there are no security breaches either intentional or accidental. Communications will be monitored for threats or supicious activities. Coordinating our efforts with Starfleet Security all visitors, passengers, and travelers including Starfleet and Federation personnel will be subject to enhanced screening and security measures at key locaitons. We are sharing resources and information as needed with various Starfleet and civilian authorities to ensure the Praetor's visit adheres to….expectations.
As for our assessment, I have nothing further to offer. There is no current intelligence to suggest this visit is smoething other than what the Romulans claim it to be. Other than the normal groups of agitators and extremists which appear at any gathering of officials I have nothing else to report.”
“So what you're saying is intelligence is going to sit this one out? Did I hear you correctly Commodore”, one of the admirals asked his sarcasm all too apparent.
“Intelligence will take a passive posture. An active posture in this matter would be interpreted by the Romulans as aggressive, adversarial, and would certainly irritate our guests. This is a peace mission until I am informed otherwise. Antagonizing our guests with intrusive scans, overbearing monitoring, and overt, clandestine actions will serve no purpose other than to create additional tension. There's quite enough of that at the moment as it stands. We will make use of the upcoming encounter to learn as much as possible however Intelligence will not be responsible for torpedoing this historic, if not unusual, visit by Romulan leaders. That said, intelligence will not be remiss or lax in its duties.”
“So you also believe the Romulans have a hidden agenda?”
“Romulans always have hidden agendas sir. Just as many as us humans. As for my beliefs admiral, they are my own. Intelligence will conduct itself professionally and efficiently and while the opportunity to exploit this situation is tempting it is also fraught with peril of the highest magnitude. If I may be candid, the risks in being overly aggressive outweigh any possible intelligence gains. We stand to gain little by abusing our hospitality. The only logical strategy is to intently listen and closely watch our guests. They will be watching us as well. We should play the part of gracious hosts until they provide us a reason to do otherwise.”
“We've managed to deviate from the topics at hand again”, Ambassdor Lamont stated from his seat at the head of the conference room table. “Thank you for your candor and your report Commodore Ascari.”
Tipping his head slightly in deference to the ambassador, Ascari leaned back in his chair and pressed his fingertips together. Several of the admirals glared at him. There was no shortage of hawks in the room or doves for that matter. Several of the ambassadors and diplomatic personnel cast approving glances his way as the meeting continued.
Ascari wasn't here to take sides and he sure as hell wouldn't be goaded into taking a stance in this childish squabble between diplomats and military officers. Intelligence would not provide tinder for those hoping for a spark nor would his department sit idle lest it upset the peacemakers. There was a balance to be struck even if several individuals at this table were incapable of seeing it.
The meeting dragged on for more time still until finally it was adjourned having accomplished only a portion of its original goals. The meeting had devolved into a public forum to air complaints, grievances, and stoke personal and professional vendettas. The politicking had been fiercer than usual with even reserved individuals civilian and military alike aligning themselves with the two basic camps of thought on the matter of the Romulan visit.
Ascari stood from the table and took a final sip of coffee that had long gone cold. The taste was bitter capping off a day spent fruitlessly bickering rather than pursuing sound strategy and action. Although the fleet and the Federation maintained an outward appearance of cooperation and efficiency that was hardly the entire truth. Behind closed doors things were hardly as unified and smooth as most citizens or officers believed.
However difficult, Starfleet and the Federation had managed to coexist if not always cordially. The actors changed with the passage of time however the scripts changed far slower than many preferred. For good or ill that was the nature of the political beast. One either adapted themselves to its behaviors and dangers or they were torn apart by its cruel ferocity.
Ascari collected his padd from the table and filed out of the conference room with various others. He shielded his eyes as the intensity of the afternoon sunlight battered eyes that had been trapped in dim seclusion for too much of the day.
“Quite refreshing isn't it”, a voice stated behind him as he stood looking out the large glass windows of the conference room foyer.
Ascari turned to see Ambassador Lamont take up position at his side.
“Indeed. It was getting stuffy in there.”
“It was stuffy from the onset and became much worse. I for one am glad that is over with.”
“You? I thought you ambassadors lived for meetings such as those? Points, counterpoints, debates, discourse – logical arguments used like swords and wielded as such. If words could injure we would have had to call for several medics.”
Lamont chuckled at the commodore's remarks. “The language today was quite sharp. You handled yourself quite well. It was..how to say quite diplomatic.”
“Flattery ambassador? What are you after? There are few diplomats that will give me the time of day let alone get within ten meters of intelligence personnel. Don't you know? We're all sadistic madmen! We see conspiracy everywhere and where we don't we create it! Fear are our weapons. Distrust our eternal partner. We live only for strife and conflict and abhor its absence.”
“Your sarcasm and dry wit are amusing Commodore.”
“Amusing? As is this conversation.”
“Indeed. As for your question, I have nothing in particular to ask of you. I only wish to say that of all the people in that room today you sir appeared to grasp the matters at hand with some measure of clarity others lacked. You have my gratitude for a tiny ray of light in what was otherwise a predictably bleak experience.”
The two officers spoke often having developed a mutually beneficial if not unusual friendship. Ascari would divulge tidbits of intelligence information relevant to the Ambassador and in return Lamont contributed diplomatic intel on various persons of interest or happenings that weren't always easily obtainable by intelligence and security personnel. The odd relationship was symbiotic and both men enjoyed the intellectual challenge of jousting with the other using nothing more than words.
“Lunch tomorrow Ambassador? I hear there is a new cafe that boasts some interesting delicacies from around the quadrant.”
“Alas, I must pass Commodore. There is much to be done before our esteemed guests arrive on Earth. Perhaps a dinner in the near future? I always find our discussions quite illuminating.”
“As do I Ambassador. As do I.”
“Well then. I must be off. Jolan tru commodore.”
Ascari quickly turned as the Ambassador walked off obviously hiding what had to be an obnoxious grin plastered across his face.
Ascari grumbled. Sometimes he wondered if the ambassador wasn't really a Romulan at heart given his sharp tongue and endless guile. Turning, Ascari made his way down the crowded corridor. The coming weeks would no doubt prove to be interesting if nothing else…
Commodore Sebastian Ascari
Director, Starfleet Intelligence
Ambassador Ian Lamont
Federation Diplomatic Corps