Joint Plot Log | "Facing the music"
Posted on 241410.26 @ 5:11pm by Admiral Alexander Hark & Fleet Admiral Kerry Malone
Insurrection [Fleet Plot]
Location: Federation Council Chamber - Westminster Palace, London
Timeline: Following "Never Look Back"
=/\= Federation Council Chambers =/\=
Malone rematerialized inside the ante-chamber of the Federation Council. This was the grand entrance-way to the sanctum-sanctorium of the Federation Legislature. Beside him stood Commodore Taggart, his escort, and apparently the man assigned to be Starfleet's liaison with the Federation Council. Given the relative lack of Starfleet flag officers on Earth at the moment, he suspected that a Commodore was as high as they could find to do it - as usually it was a Vice Admiral billet.
The large oak doors opened to reveal the council chambers. High raising seating tiers flanked both left and right sides of the chamber, for the delegates to sit and debate. In the middle of the floor was a large table for debating, and at the far end, a massive stage upon which were six chairs on a lower dias, with one massive one raised above it. This was the speakers chair, or when present, the President of the Federation took this chair. On the first tier dias, at the front, was a lecturn with the Federation crest engraved into the wooden frame. A single chair had been placed before this stage, and Malone was escorted to stand before the chair. He looked ahead at the faces of the Federation Councillors, who apparently were to be his judge and jury.
Without even realising it - he was on trial.
Sitting in the larger central chair was a Vulcan, his eyes dark and focused on the Fleet Admiral as he was led in to the centre of the chamber, his robes were bright and around him were the delegates from the main member worlds, Tellar, Andor, Earth, Alpha Centari, Betazed and Trill, all of them focused on the one man before them.
"Your attendance at such short notice is appreciated by this council, Fleet Admiral Malone." the Vulcan stated, his gaze unwavering from the time served Commander in Chief, "We have convened this session to ascertain the full facts surrounding the recent events within the Federation."
Malone inclined his head in the traditional Vulcan gesture of greeting. "I am at the councils service, Mister President." He replied. "Although I would have assumed that the Council would be more versed on matters relating to recent Federation events than myself, as I have spent the last nine months in Klingon space."
"We are aware of the events, however some of the details remained hidden to this council and unfortunately still remain so, President Hutchins and his co-conspiritors managed to shield their intentions until it was too late," Sa'vak replied, his voice flat and emotionless, "The decision to brand some of Starfleet as traitors was one that raised a large number of objections, it appears it was used to redirect our attention away from the true problems within the Federation."
"I would concur with that analysis of facts, Mister President." Malone replied. "As Secretary of Defence, Hutchins used his position to subvert Starfleet Command's authority over the fleet. Installing civilian oversight committees on command appointments, promotions and other matters of internal management. These happened following the Cardassian assault on the Sol System, and the attack on Paris and Starfleet Command. It is my contention that these are not unlinked. In fact, Mister President, it is my contention that this all started as far back as the massacre at Korma, when Task Force Alpha was led into a trap, and Commodore Denterius was captured. Following that dreadful event, the executive branch began to encroach on Starfleet affairs, and this became ever moreso after the Cardassian assault."
"Your logic is... sound, Fleet Admiral," the Vulcan replied with a slight pause to consider his wording, to the approval of the assembled delegates, "Let us then discuss the beginning of this chain of events, Korma and Task Force Alpha, I trust you would not mention these events without having some form of evidence or a logical hypothesis and perhaps a suspect."
"I'm afraid that I do not have any concrete evidence, and I suspect that should any have existed, the previous nine months under the previous administration of Starfleet would have removed such physical evidence." Malone replied. "However, I do have a contact on the Cardassian home-world, who works for the Central Command, who informed me that the High Command was given the exact tactical strategy, timetable, composition and location of Task Force Alpha. That information enabled the High Command to lay a trap for Commodore Denterius, and annihilate a sizable chunk of our Alpha Quadrant forces. I do believe that the capture and interrogation of Denterius was a consequence of that, although not the intention of the informant. I am unable to provide any conclusive proof of a suspect, but that does lead me to a report provided by Marcus Refelian, the former director of Internal Affairs."
The Vulcan nodded slowly and gestured towards Malone, "You have this report available to present to the council?"
"I do, sir." Malone said, and produced a PADD that he handed to an aide. "Marcus Refelian was brought in by myself following the events of Sol last year. With the loss of so many of Starfleet's finest, as well as the total destruction of the Federation Government at that time - answers were needed. It was my decision to bring in an outside agency - independent of Starfleet - to investigate these events. They were to have complete autonomy, and no one was off limits - including myself."
"Again, your logic is sound Fleet Admiral," Sa'vak replied as the aide rushed up and placed the report into his outstretched hand, "To speed the process, can you recall the report for this council?"
"This report details that at the time of the Sol attack, the Home Fleet was at Vulcan conducting a war-game. This war-game had been scheduled for three weeks earlier, but that it was delayed due to 'logistical reasons', and rescheduled. At that same time, a routine diagnostic of the Federation orbital defence grid *and* the diagnostic of the deep space sensor net were 'accidentally' combined to coincide with the same day that the Home Fleet was at Vulcan." Malone explained. "It is my suposition, Mister President, that these were not accidental, but a deliberate attempt to subvert our main defences to allow the Cardassians into Federation space, and specifically - Sol Space."
"Can you put substance to these claims?" the Vulcan asked, an eyebrow raised at the beginning of the report and the accusations that Malone was putting to them.
"I can, Mister President." Malone continued. "It is my belief that the intended aim of this assault was to deprive the Federation of both its civilian and military command structures, to allow for a complete restructure using Federation First. The fact that the attack happened on a day when not only was the entire Federation Council meeting at the Palias de la Concorde, where the President was holding an address, but that there was a cabinet meeting in the same building - and all senior Starfleet divisional directors were summoned to a special briefing about the Triad situation in Paris that day."
"Further, given that Cardassian forces only targeted Starfleet Command and Paris - and no other target except military targets in Sol space, I am forced to conclude that the Cardassians conspired with people here at the heart of the Federation to bring about a massive regime change. This can be proved by the fact that Starbase One was not destroyed, as any other invading force would do. It was merely disabled to keep the ships inside from coming out. This was stage-managed, and I've been forced to conclude that I was not destined to survive it either. If my security people hadn't been on the ball that day, I would've died when the Starfleet Tower was attacked. If I hadn't survived, I would not have been named temporary President, and Starfleet would have been direction-less, due to a lack of Flag Officers."
"One could also say that perhaps you survived because you had a hand in the attack yourself?" the Tellarite delegate barked, drawing daggered gazes from the Vulcan and Andorian.
"This is not a session to assign blame, we are here to ascertain the facts, in the best method we can and seek out a path forward," Sa'vak shot in the direction of the Tellarite, "You mentioned Federation First, Fleet Admiral?" he asked, redirecting himself towards Malone, "Would that explain the xenophobic nature of the Federation council and my predecessor?"
"Yes, Mister President." Malone replied. "Federation First is the 24th Centuries equivalent to Terra Prime from the early 22nd Century, thwarted by then Captain Archer - prior to his ascension to the Presidency. That group were a fanatical branch of Terrans who believed that Earth should not conspire with aliens, and that all aliens should be either subservient or eradicated. It was believed that Terrans moved on from this viewpoint, but it appears that recently, that movement gained ground - to the point that Federation First was able to infiltrate both Starfleet and the Federation Government to the point to pull off a coup of such magnitude, that it plunged the Federation into civil war. A war that has cost both sides considerably, and has resulted in no victor."
"You are correct, there is never a victor when we turn and fight one and another," Sa'vak replied as he pulled a padd out from his robes and placed it before him, "From personal experience, I know that the forces under your control were not the only ones working against Federation First, I met one such officer when he... breached the chambers on Vulcan, I believe you are aware of him and one of your predecessors had identified the organisation as terrorists."
"I believe you refer to the organisation known as the Vanguard, mister President." Malone replied, keeping a neutral tone. He didn't like the Vanguard very much, after his own personal dealings with the group nearly two decades ago. However, he was well aware that they'd matured under a new leader, and were not the band of space-pirates they used to be. Indeed, he was cognitive that his own victory would not have been possible without their presence, and that was something he would not forget.
"You are correct, what do you know of this group?" the Vulcan replied, as he steepled his hands before him.
"The Vanguard used to be a sect of bandits. They used terror tactics, space piracy and other illicit actions to achieve their goals. At one stage, they were behind the dramatic altering of a space-faring race known as the Krivaldi. Their breach of the Prime Directive led to a costly war with the Krivaldi that ended nearly two decades ago." Malone explained. "Since then, the Vanguard have gained a new leadership, and under this guidance, have been a much more moderate group. Whilst as Commander-in-Chief, I must state that their tactic of corrupting Starfleet Captain's and their crews into turning their backs on Starfleet, taking them and their ship with them to the Vanguard - is abhorent - I cannot conclude that they are terrorists. Merely an up and coming political force within the Federation."
"I saw first hand exactly what the Vanguard were willing to do to free the Federation from the yoke of an oppressive regime, they appeared from the shadows, perhaps they will withdraw and return there?" Sa'vak responded.
"Given their rather significant role in the final outcome of our civil war, Mister President, I sincerely doubt they are going to be happy with returning to their asteroid bases and having another nap for a decade. No sir, I believe they are going to be a serious player in the reconstruction of the Federation, and you would be wise to consider that. Especially since they secured the Pendragon from Starfleet, and she is one of our more advanced and heavier cruisers. They cannot be ignored now." Malone replied.
"I do believe that Starfleet Intelligence had warning of the potential for Captain Vokar to be involved with the Vanguard, why then was this warning ignored and why was he put in charge of a command cruiser carrying an experimental piece of technology?"
"Captain Vokar returned to Starfleet following a spell with the Vanguard, it is true." Malone explained, carefully, appreciating that this was dangerous ground. "However, for reasons that are classified, Vokar proved his loyalty to Starfleet, and as a reward - was granted a second chance."
"So you are saying that a second chance meant that Starfleet lost control of the Pendragon and handed a significant power in the quadrant to the Vanguard?" the Tellarite barked from his position on the council.
"Who in their right mind would have trusted this Vulcan... this Vokar with a powerful ship with what we knew about him?" the Andorian shouted as he slammed a blue fist into the arm of the chair.
"Respectfully sir, he was a Starfleet officer, and given the lack of suitable command experienced officers at the time - it was considered a viable choice. He has given Starfleet years of loyal service since his return, and for reasons that are still classified, I cannot divulge what Starfleet Intelligence did with him that earned him his chance." Malone explained, still trying to remain calm. "Hindsight is twenty/twenty, Mister Councillor, and whilst I was not directly responsible for his being given command of the Pendragon, were I in a position to do so at that time - I probably would have made that decision. It is very unusual for a Vulcan to go off the reservation."
"Enough," Sa'vak stated, his voice carrying to the corners of the room, "The Pendragon is... an issue that will be addressed when the time is right."
A voice from the delegates section sounded up. "We should maintain the civilian oversight of Starfleet!"
"Perhaps that may be something this council has to look in to," Sa'vak responded as he stood and gestured to silence the delegates.
"Respectfully, Mister President, that would be unwise." Malone replied, his calm slipping. "Starfleet has managed its own internal appointments, promotions, and assignments for a few centuries now, and it is entirely an internal matter. The CinC does differ to the President of the Federation, and that is as it should be. Having civilian committees approving command appointments is not necessary, and I cannot allow it."
"It is not a matter of what you can and cannot allow, Fleet Admiral Malone," the Vulcan replied, his gaze narrowing onto the man before him, "If this council determines that a civilian oversight committee is still in the best interests of the Federation and Starfleet, we will have one, however we will review all available information before we come to such a decision, including the contents of the reports you have provided."
"Sir, I did not just fight a war to remove an interfering and oppressive government - to sit back and allow the exact same thing to happen again." Malone growled, his anger reaching his tone. "This was how they started too. Questioning Starfleet's decisions. President Ryan wasn't a bad man, but he was manipulated by others into doing things he felt were necessary. They slowly started with oversight committees, then it got worse and worse. Where is President Ryan now? No one knows. Vaporized for all we know. I cannot allow you to interfere with the management of Starfleet. This body does not exist for that reason."
"This body exists to administrate the needs of the Federation and it's structural assets, this includes Starfleet, you answer to this council, as does the rest of Starfleet." Sa'vak replied, his tone remaining calm and even, unwavering as he stared down Malone, "As I said, we will review the decision and utilise the additional information we have available through the reports you have provided."
Kerry looked around the chamber. "You people are a bunch of moral cowards." He snapped. "You sat back and let Hutchins and his people oppress the Federation, and did nothing. You only acted when my fleet was sitting in high orbit of Jupiter. Only then, when your comfort was imperilled, did you act. Once the dust settled, you fight over the scraps on the table - without considering the real ramifications of your actions."
He started to pace before the dias. "The people out there, the hundreds of billions of lifeforms who you are supposed to represent - do not see this body for what it should be, but as an oppressive instrument of control. What you do here and now, will reflect on how the Federation is to recover from what it has gone through. If you want the members of the Federation to trust its instruments, you need to take a step back, and allow natural healing. Starfleet is not trusted, because of what has happened. I cannot even recall some of our own ships, because they fear what *this* body will do to them for their sins."
"You cannot start out a new term as an oppressive and interfering regime. You need to mend the fences, and heal the wounds. A lot of people died, and they did not die so you could keep your pampered backsides on your comfortable chairs." Malone barked his last statement at the chamber at large.
"Fleet Admiral Malone, do not presume to lecture me on what the people of the Federation look for in this council, my own people have been extremely vocal about the need for reform, as have the worlds represented alongside me," Sa'vak replied, his voice raising above the din that Malone's outburst had created amongst the delegates, "There will be reform and you have my word that the civilian oversight will be reconsidered, however you will abide by the decision of this council, whether you agree with it or not."
"Then, respectfully, Mister President, I will not seek reappointment as Commander in Chief of Starfleet. I will not enable you to oppress Starfleet, and by extension, the Federation, with your tyrannical policies." Malone replied, tersely. "I do humbly submit however, that my Chief of Staff, Admiral Hark, would be a suitable replacement."
"This council respects your decision not to seek reappointment, Fleet Admiral Malone, but would remind you that we do not seek to oppress anyone, we only seek a fair and diplomatic solution to the problems caused by Federation First and their operatives." the Vulcan responded with a slight bow of the head, "Your recommendation will be taken under advisement."
"For the moment, if you would retire, this council has a number of further items to discuss," Sa'vak continued as the large doors parted at the back of the room, "This council would thank you for attending and for the reports you have provided."
"I would remind this esteemed body of one thing, then I will take my leave." Malone said, smiling a knowing smile. "Do not take Starfleet's protection for granted. Right now, the fleet is fractured, hurt and almost forty-five percent below strength. You will have to earn the fleets trust again. Federation First broke a taboo, and people have seen it now. They know that change can happen down the barrel of a phaser. If you take the people for granted, sir, you risk that same fate, because they know it can be done now."
"The Federation will recover from this disaster, it will take time, but it will happen," Sa'vak responded.
"Live long and Prosper, Mister President." Malone said, and gave the Vulcan salute to the President, before turning and leaving the chamber - knowing that his future lay in the stars - not at Headquarters.
=/\= End =/\=
Fleet Admiral Kerry Malone
Former CinC, Starfleet
Councillor Sa'vak
Interim President, United Federation of Planets