Starfleet Command

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Duty Log | Gen. Richard Sharpe | "Marine Diplomacy"

Posted on 241502.17 @ 9:31pm by General Richard Sharpe

Mission: The Fight For Peace [GQ Plot]

=/\= 1st MEF Headquarters, Camp Patton, Xonnel Colony =/\=

The past several weeks had seen a dramatic change at Camp Patton. For starters, the engineers had gone to town and spruced the place up toot-sweet, and every building that had issues had been repaired to modern standards. The airstrip was fully operational, and a new air traffic control tower had been constructed. The perimeter fence had been completely replaced with modern deuterium plate walls, and they'd even constructed a "Camp Patton - Home of the Fighting Third" welcome sign at the four main gates.

Richard sat in his second story office at the HQ building. He had a large rectangular room, with plush furnishings and his favourite mahogany desk and high back leather office chair, which had been brought over for him especially. The decor was by his choice as well, deep red thick carpet with oak panelling on the walls. All the armchairs and sofas were upholstered in dark green leather, and there were book-cases along the far wall, and access to his private armoury on the near wall, and a private washroom. He had a small intimate seating area and a mid-sized mahogany table and chairs for meetings or dinners.

At the moment, he was behind his rather large, ostentatious desk, reading a report. He didn't really like reading reports, but he preferred that to writing the blasted things. It had taken many a year, but at long last, he'd come to realise that his place was not in the field with his troopers, but behind his desk where he had access to advisor's, department heads and unit commanders.

There was a buzz from the intercom, with the voice of his secretary. "Sir, the Krigoran Ambassador is here to see you."

Richard took off his glasses, and put the PADD down. "Send him in." He instructed, rising from his chair to greet the ambassador.

The ambassador and his aide entered the office, all smiles, as Richard was as well. "Mister Ambassador, welcome to Camp Patton."

"General Sharpe." The Ambassador returned. "I'm here on behalf of my government to protest Starfleet's presence on our world. It is an afront to our sovereignty and I must obj-"

"I've taken your spaceport." Richard replied, calmly.

"I'm sorry?" The ambassador looked at the marine commander.

"I said, I've taken your spaceport." Sharpe said. "You had to have seen this coming, Mister Ambassador. We've told you repeatedly that we object to your harbouring pirates, murderers and committing acts of genocide on your world."

"These are internal matters!" The aide snapped.

"With respect, they're now my concern." Sharpe said, then turned back to his desk and picked up a PADD. "Elements of the 3rd Marine Division, supported by a battalion of heavy tanks, a combat air wing from the 1st Marine CAG and three starships. Mister Ambassador, I have conquered your planet without the paperwork."

The Ambassador and his aide glared at Sharpe but said nothing.

"Your Premier has thirty-six hours to turn over all wanted felons to Starfleet forces, as well as turn in all weapons and stand his military forces down. At thirty-six hours and one minute, my forces will take the capital." Sharpe said, putting the PADD back on the desk.

"This is outragous!" The ambassador protested.

"No, Mister Ambassador, this is reality." Sharpe replied, and crossed his arms across his chest. "Starfleet is back, Mister Ambassador. I suggest you tell your government that the reign of lawlessness is over, and submit to my terms."

Without a word, the Ambassador stormed out of the office.

"This is going to be fun." Sharpe said, to no one in particular.

= End Log =

General Richard Sharpe
Commander, 1st MEF
Gamma Quadrant Command


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