Starfleet Command

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Joint Duty Log | FAdm. Malone & Gen. Sharpe | "Why is the rum gone?"

Posted on 241502.24 @ 8:41pm by Fleet Admiral Kerry Malone & General Richard Sharpe

Mission: The Fight For Peace [GQ Plot]

=/\= USS Sutherland =/\=

It was one of those extremely rare occasions that Malone had been able to go to bed at a reasonable time to try and get some sleep. He'd been so tired, now that the stress of trying to find the Medusa was over now. All that remained was dealing with the mess that they'd left at Kraetsyl station, which he'd delegated to Captain Montana of the USS Zeus to handle. It was unlikely anyone was going to pick a fight with the Defiant Retrofit gunship, and if they did, they'd regret it.

No, now, the Sutherland flanked by the Hermes, Medusa and Crazyhorse were heading back to Xonnel. They were several days out, and it was nice to have actually achieved something positive without significant losses for a change. Malone hadn't found it difficult to nod off in his comfortable bed.

An insessant chirping roused him from his slumber, as the comm beeped urgently at him. He grumbled and tapped the comm badge he'd left on his bedside cabinet. "Malone..." He muttered into it.

"Sorry to wake you Admiral, but we're getting angry protests from the Krigoran government, that have been routed to us from the Ticonderoga. They're insisting on speaking to you." Reported the watch officer.

"What time is it?" Malone asked.

"Zero Three Fifteen zulu, Admiral." The officer replied.

With a growl, Malone threw the bedding off of him, grabbed his dressing gown and wrapped himself in it, and slid on his slippers. He made his way into the sitting area of his quarters and had the computer turn the lights up. "Bridge, connect me with General Sharpe." Malone had left this situation with the marine commander, so he'd better talk to him first.

"General Sharpe is on standby Admiral, connecting you now."

A moment later, Sharpe's face appeared on the monitor. He was still fresh faced and wearing a clean pressed uniform. "Admiral." He said by way of a greeting.

"Richard, why am I being pestered at three o'clock in the morning by the Krigoran government? Didn't I leave this with you?" Malone asked, as he replicated himself a mug of strong coffee.

"I'm sorry Kerry, but we did as we discussed, and now the Premier of Krigoran wants to negotiate the terms of their acquiescence to our demands. I told them I wasn't in a position to negotiate the terms, just to force them to comply."

"He didn't like having his space-port invaded, did he?" Malone asked, sipping the coffee.

"Not very much, no." Richard replied. "He's demanding five-hundred million credits, a private runabout and immunity from prosecution. If we give him that, he'll surrender his government to us."

"Tough shit." Malone replied, then tapped his comm badge. "Bridge, connect the Krigoran communication into this one. Lets get this sorted."

A moment later, the face of the Krigoran ambassador who spoke to Sharpe appeared. "Admiral Malone, I wish to protest the treatment of our sovereign government by Starfl-"

"Shut up." Malone said, firmly. "No one cares about the sovereign government of a criminal stronghold."

"I object to this lang-"

"Object all you like, there will be no negotiations. In...?"

"Five hours, Admiral." Sharpe provided the information.

"In five hours, you had better surrender, or the full might of the 3rd Marine Expeditionary Force will reign pure hell down on your 'sovereign government'. I should point out that the commander of the 3rd MEF is a veteran of rather a few ground conflicts, including our most recent civil war. I can assure you, there's fuck all you can do to stop us, and if you try, you will suffer." Malone snapped, his patience at an end.

"Admiral Malone, we demand to lodge a formal protest at this treatment with the Federation Council!" The Ambassador retorted angrily.

"Go right ahead." Malone said. "By the time they get your call, our flag will be flying over your Presidential mansion."

"This is not what Starfleet represents!" The Ambassador persisted. "What the Federation proports itself to be."

"The United Federation of Planets is about peaceful co-existence, and Starfleet is its exploration and defensive branch, yes, that all is very true." Malone replied. "But we're also in the business of protecting people, and your government harbours, protects and supplies pirates and criminals who seek to undermine everything we believe in. Don't underestimate our resolve in this matter, Mister Ambassador."

"I will present your position to our Premier." The Ambassador said, then closed the channel, leaving Sharpe and Malone on.

"Richard?" Malone asked.

"Yes Kerry?" The marine four star asked.

"This had better work." Kerry replied. "You know as well as I do how the Federation Council views impromptu invasions of sovereign worlds. Expect to get a strongly worded reprimand from Starfleet Command over this."

"At this point, Kerry, I couldn't care less." Sharpe replied. "I'm out here under protest as it is. If they're going to force me to be out here against my wishes, then I'm going to do the job how I want to."

"I know that, Richard, but there were other options." Malone said.

"For the last year, these people have seen nothing but weakness on our part. The only way these people are going to respect us is if they know that if they cross the UFP, that we're going to bring the hammer down. Sending a strongly worded letter isn't going to stop these people, and they need to know that a Federation Starship isn't fair game. They need to see that if they provoke the bear, they're going to get the claws." Sharpe pontificated.

"You done with the mixed metaphors?" Malone replied, exasperated. "You're preaching to the choir. I'm just telling you that this will cause issues."

"Let it." Sharpe replied. "I'll tell anyone who complains to piss off, like I always do."

"Charming." Malone sighed. "Alright, I'm up now, I might as well go do some work. I'll talk to you later."

"Very well, Admiral." Sharpe said. Malone knew full well that Sharpe would only call him 'sir' if he were very angry with the Fleet Admiral.

"Oh and Richard?" Malone added as he was about to leave.

"Yes Kerry?"

"Don't invade anywhere else until I get back in six days. Think you can do that?" Malone asked, rhetorically.

"I can't make that promise, Admiral. You know what a maniac Colonel Towers can be. Last time I told him not to do something, he blew a hole in the side of a building." Sharpe smirked.

"Fair point. See you in six days, Malone out."

= End Log =

Fleet Admiral Kerry Malone
Gamma Quadrant Commander

General Richard Sharpe
Commander, 3rd MEF
Gamma Quadrant Command


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