Starfleet Command

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"Dark Paths" - Part 1 - Admiral James Valtren, SFI and ???

Posted on 241508.29 @ 11:36am by Commodore Sebastian Ascari

Mission: Reconciliation & Reconstruction [Fleet Plot]
Location: San Francisco, Earth
Timeline: Current

“Excuse me Admiral.”

He let out a sigh that betrayed his fatigue. Years spent in intelligent and the stress that came with were a harsh mistress. Slowly the late nights were becoming harder to fight through. Ever so slowly the march of time sapped his strength. Was he just growing old or was it something more? Attacks on Earth, endless conflicts with the quadrant’s powers, and now overtures of peace from the Romulans; perhaps he just needed some time off? It had been so long since he had allowed himself that simple luxury. He shook his head dismissing the thought. A vacation, with things as they stood, was out of the question. A dozen counselors would tell him he needed one. One had practically ordered it, but rank had its privileges if one could call it that…perhaps it was more curse than privilege. Was he cursed? He wondered. Misfortune seemed to stalk him like a wolf mad with hunger waiting from the shadows to close in and make its kill. He had dedicated his life to fighting the wolves that lurked in that darkness exposing them with the light of truth and a sword of justice. However, as the years ticked forever forward his blade seemed less sharp, his reflexes slower than he remembered.

“Admiral, a moment please”, the voice called out again.

“At least he still had his will and a resolve forged from diamond to stand against the shadows wherever and whenever they manifested themselves. So long as that remained intact he remained confident in the path he continued to walk. It was a difficult path to traverse and not for the faint of heart or the weak. The path he traversed was covered in thorny brambles, surrounded on all sides by impenetrable darkness. Often a foul stench stung the nostrils. Dense fog almost always obscured the path. And yet, despite the hardships, he pressed on. Sometimes he asked himself why despite knowing the answer. Few others would or could. He knew all too well the price of turning away of abandoning this dangerous and difficult path. Someone had to walk it. Someone had to carry a sword and blaze a path through the terrors that lie upon this twisted, harsh, and unforgiving path.

So few ever saw even a glimpse of his path and yet so many owed their lives to his and others willingness to walk and brave the path’s vile and treacherous darkness. Such was the work of an intelligence agent. Surrounded in darkness one had to remain at all times vigilant lest they would be consumed by the very thing they fought so hard against. Many had succumb to the darkness and its ceaseless siren calls tempting every man and women who dared stand against it. Its insidious nature wore against the hardest of individuals. In the end he wondered if he could look behind him and say it had all been worth it before taking his last few steps. At that time what fragments of his soul would remain intact? He had traded so much of it away in the pursuit of power to fight. He had been fighting for so long. Was there any warmth left within him or had his heart turned to stone – unfeeling as it simply dispatched enemies without regret or remorse. It used to bother him, but that was so long ago he scarcely could recall feeling anything at all for the enemies he had left behind in his wake.

Perhaps he was growing old and tired.


Perhaps he did need a rest.


He had come this far. It was too late to stop and he had come too far to turn back even if the path he walked led to a precipice from which there was no return.

“Admiral Valtren…I didn’t expect to see you at this hour.”

“Nor did I, however there were several matters that required my attention.”

“Sir, I suppose this can wait until tomorrow sir, but Section Five has obtained the information you requested.”

Valtren’s gaze turned toward the commander as his thoughts disappeared like smoke upon the wind.

“They’re findings are here on this padd sir. Given their sensitivity I wanted to deliver it personally.”

The admiral nodded. “Thank you Commander Lakon. Give my regards to Section Five. They have earned their paychecks this week.”

“Yes sir.”

“We’ll discuss this in the morning. Have Captains Bragg and Sabriant meet me in my briefing room at 09:00. Dismissed.”

The commander saluted and quietly left the admiral alone in the empty hallway.

Valtren glanced at the padd in his hand. What had Section Five uncovered? Was it something tangible or just another dead end? The urge to look was tempting, but he was exhausted. He needed rest. The information couldn’t be acted on now in any event. He would look in the morning and move onwards from there after some rest.

The halls of Starfleet intelligence were quiet tonight as he moved toward his office. He wondered what his staff was currently doing. Did they have families? Were they at home with kin and children? Were they treated to a hot meal and a warm smile from a partner they loved?

He had never married nor pursued many relationships of a romantic nature. He had his work to sustain him since that fateful day twenty five years ago when his eyes had been opened. On that day he had grasped a sword, turned and faced the entrance to what he knew to be a dark and dangerous road, cut away the first of many thorny obstructions and taken his first steps. He had never looked back.

He didn’t have any regrets. Yes still he sometimes wondered what an alternative path would have looked like. Did he marry? Did he have children? Was he happy and blissfully ignorant of the many, many wolves silently lurking in the darkness watching and waiting for any opportunity to strike the weak, unwitting, and innocent?

The admiral’s wistfulness suddenly faded as a scowl crossed his face. Why was he indulging in such nonsense? He shook his head attempting to clear it. Such musings were pointless. Wondering what could have been was nothing more than an indulgence in fantasy and he would have nothing more to do with it this evening.

He had one or two more tasks to complete before retiring for what remained of the evening. He reached his office and entered debating if a stiff drink were in order before returning home.

“Computer, lights”, he stated coldly entering his darkened office.

“Well, well – it took you long enough”, a voice mocked him from the darkness as the light’s intensity quickly filled the room.

Quickly reaching into his uniform tunic he withdrew a small phaser and turned to face the intruder weapon at the ready. His heart suddenly accelerated though his hand and aim remained steady and true.

“You are getting slow old man. It doesn’t suit you. What do you suppose I should do about that? Eh?”

…To Be Continued…


Admiral James Valtren
Starfleet Intelligence
Division 7


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