Starfleet Command

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SD 241508.29 || Klingon Empire Log || Ch'Krang & Ch'Tan || "tlhIngan maH!"

Posted on 241508.29 @ 6:28pm by Chancellor Ch'Krang House of Ch'Krang

Mission: Reconciliation & Reconstruction [Fleet Plot]

=/\= Klingon Imperial Naval Command, Qo'noS orbit =/\=

Lights flickered around the chamber as the doors opened, the obviously Klingon flaws in the design process meant that the power systems were all tied together and prone to interrupting each other, officers filtered in and out often and around the centre console were a group of seven, the highest ranking Fleet Commanders from the largest seven houses.

The Viewscreen to the left of them was a different matter and showed the dimly lit Great Hall down on the planet, Ch'Krang was sat in his position of power, the throne that was to be used by the head of the High Council, he laughed and joked with the assembled Councillors before turning to look at his own screen and the assembled Fleet Commanders. “Ch'Tan my son!” he bellowed with a toothy grin on his face, “What reports do you have for me? Why are so many of you assembled?”

“Father, I see you are enjoying the blood wine that I sent back for you.” Ch'Tan replied with a chuckle as he turned to look at the Klingons before him, “Our attacks on the Romulan border have met with great success and very little resistance, their forces are still scattered after their dealings with the Triad and the upstart Romulan Republic, the technology we have gained from Starfleet has certainly given us some measure of... strength.” the halfblood added quickly as he began transmitting several files full of data on their latest attacks, it was true that the last few months had been prosperous ones for the Empire, their treasury overflowed and their military stood at the height of it's power, all under the renewed leadership of his father, a man whom half of the Empire had tried to throw down as a traitor after he partnered them with the Federation.

“As for why we are assembled... I was about to brief the Commanders on the next set of targets and figured now would be a good time to gather your input too,” the young Klingon stated with a nod to his father.

Ch'Krang roared with laughter at something that didn't quite get caught in the transmission, “Very good, I've noticed that things seem to have been going well for you, I was right to trust this campaign to your leadership, you seem to understand the need for caution against the Romulans.” the reply was laced with praise, Ch'Tan's success bought additional honour to his whole family.

“My time on Astate and the Charon taught me a lot about their methods,” Ch'Tan replied with a respectful nod before turning to the assembled Commanders, activating the map display with one hand while indicating an area with the other, “As you can see, we've made good gains along these three sections of the border, the Fourth and Seventh fleets have made excellent use of their new sensors to guard against counter attacks too. What I would like to suggest is switching out the Seventh fleet for the Second, the Second has a greater number of ships better suited for defence and I think that the Seventh can be pushing further along the border.”

“Durani of the House of K'Roth, commander of the Seventh fleet has also had great success during... interrogations of captured Romulans, I don't know her methods and I don't care to, all I know is that she is effective and ruthless.” the young Commander replied with a nod towards the woman he referenced, the only female among the Fleet Commanders and one of the very few females within the Imperial Navy.

“Excellent, K'Roth is glad to have his house recognised and is honoured that you think highly of his daughter's talents,” Ch'Krang replied with another toothy grin, the yellowing fangs an ever present mark of the Klingon heritage, something Ch'Tan didn't share with his father, having inherited his mother's dental work and his previous life among Starfleet, “For a man with no son, he is extremely fortunate to have such a warrior to carry his name.”

Nodding in agreement, Ch'Tan flicked the image on the map to another section of the border, the furthest from the meeting point of the Federation, the Romulan Star Empire and the Klingon Empire, it was in the middle of nowhere and not of any particular strategic value, beyond protecting the flanks of the task force, there were also a few worlds out there that were ripe for exploring, something which the Klingon Empire had only recently taken onto it's docket, but something that had been quite profitable on the raw edges of their domain.

“I think it would be wise to send a fleet out to secure this area of the border too, father.” the young man replied as he transmitted the view to the Great Hall, “It might not look like much, but it would anchor our control of the border and allow for some great opportunities to explore, there are a number of worlds which may be ripe for conquest, if not, they might hold resources that we need.”

Ch''Krang nodded slightly as a shout rose from his assembled Lords, “K'Mpar wishes his house to shoulder this mission, what do you think of this?” he asked after listening for a few moments.

“A very good suggestion, I was about to ask if any of the houses would wish to volunteer for this, the Sixth fleet from the House of K'Mpar will undertake this mission,” Ch'Tan replied with a laugh as he turned and nodded to the Commander from the house mentioned, a man younger than himself and with little true combat experience, but a man of science too, a rarity among Klingons, “He knows his task and I am sure he would enjoy to be out on the frontier, earning glory for his house.”

“As for myself, I will continue to focus my efforts on the lawlessness in the Borderlands, continued good relations with the Federation are good for the Empire and putting down the pirates who call this area of space home will only improve matters.” Ch'Tan continued as he pulled up the charts for the mentioned area, it was a place he knew all too well and had been a source of weapons when civil war had threatened to tear the Empire in two, the black markets ran deep among it's many worlds and there had been rumours of the Orions aiding spies, running information back and forth between their contacts.

“The Council agrees, the rest of the fleets should continue with their original orders,” Ch'Krang replied as he took a swig of blood wine from a tankard at his side, “If there is nothing else my son, I think you should get started.”

“tlhIngan maH!” Ch'Tan replied, drawing similar responses from all of the warriors surrounding him, their fists drawn to their chests, the communication cut off and he turned to face the Commanders, “Qapla' batlh je! Go and bring honour to the empire!” he called out, dismissing them with the same gesture.

(To Be Continued...)

Ch'Krang, Lord of the House of Ch'Krang
Chancellor of the Klingon Empire


Ch'Tan, son of Ch'Krang of the House of Ch'Krang
1st Fleet Commander, Klingon Imperial Navy
Captain, IKS Ya'Vang


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