Joint Log | FAdm. Malone & RAdm. Denterius | "Reporting in..."
Posted on 241410.19 @ 9:30pm by Rear Admiral Kassandra Harper & Fleet Admiral Kerry Malone
Mission: Insurrection [Fleet Plot]
=*= Vesuvius =*=
Marines were currently on the UFP ships, keeping command of them and making sure no one would try and change their minds now. Just as ground control seemed to be going smooth. So the question was... now what? Having made her way back to the ready room after over seeing a few other things. Kassi sat down and looked at the monitor and started opening a channel up to Malone.
As she waited, a lift of her hand to run her fingers though her hair, she smirked a little as she pondered the fact that at least he wouldn't be able to say she looked like hell this time.
The screen changed to show Malone, in his office aboard the Ticonderoga. "Malone here." He replied, tersely. He'd been under considerable strain, and dealing with the Federation Council wasn't helping that strain.
"Admiral Denterius reporting in, Sir." Kassi said as she studied him a little and made some mental notes to watch what she said. Last thing it looked like she needed to do was piss him off again. He really seemed like he'd have her head if she did. Fingers moved over the console as she transferred the copy of the report to him.
"Progress report, Admiral." Malone said, as evenly as he could.
"The Alpha Centari forces have surrendered to us. Officers have been transferred over to their ships and taken control over them and ground control is keeping an eye on things down there. So far though they seem to be tired of the war and are more then willing to give in to our command." She replied without looking away from Kerry as she went though the basics of what had gone on.
Kerry nodded. "Good work Admiral, any losses or significant damage to any ships?"
"No losses, Sir." She said with a soft hint of relief in her voice. "The ships we've taken control over have some damage, but nothing that can't be fixed with a bit of time."
"Well done, Denterius." Kerry replied, trying to sincerely smile given how tired he was. "Hold your position until further notice. Things are not yet stable."
"Thanks Sir." She couldn't bring herself to smile to much herself yet, and understood the tired smile he'd given her. With a slight nod to him, she added. "I'll await to hear further orders from you, Admiral."
"Very well, Malone out." He said, and closed the transmission.
= End Log =
Fleet Admiral Kerry Malone
Starfleet CinC
Rear Admiral Kassi Denterius
TaskGroup CO
TaskGroup 1.4