Starfleet Command

Hush [BQ Plot]

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With the attempt at destroying the USS Vindicator thwarted, and Commodore Rochelle Ivanova still very much alive, Ssiebb Vrith Tr'Bak has set off on a new mission designed to bring him closer to the position in life he truly feels he deserves; Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire. He knows, however, that Earth's Rome wasn't built in a day and that in order to obtain his goals he must bring the Federation to its knees - starting with Commodore Ivanova and Cheydinhall Sector as a whole.

Meanwhile a new threat has risen and has taken hold firmly on the Beta Quadrant by attacking Fleet Admiral Blyx Red on Cold Station Theta. An act that has forced new Commander in Chief, Admiral Sean Archer, to action.

Mission Group Fleet Plots
Start Date 241605.07 @ 11:37pm

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
JL | Atarah, Comm Levine, VAdm Scholtz-Archer | "Say What?" Pt 2
by Admiral Sabine Scholtz-Archer
JL | Atarah, Comm Levine, VAdm Scholtz-Archer | "Say What?" Pt 1
by Admiral Sabine Scholtz-Archer & Commodore Jorgun & Danielle Atarah
JL | Atarah, Zett, VAdm Scholtz-Archer, RAdm Hawk, RAdm Sha'mer | Departure
by Admiral Sabine Scholtz-Archer & Rear Admiral Cintia Sha'mer & Rear Admiral Indi Hawk & Danielle Atarah
JL BQSecCO & Former Dunross Clan Chieftain | RAdm Sidra MacLaren & Civ Alistair Dunross
by Rear Admiral Sidra MacLaren & Commodore Stephen MacCafferey
241709.17 Cold Station Theta
JL | FADM Red, Adm Hark (ret.) | "Water of Life"
by Admiral Alexander Hark & Fleet Admiral Blyx Red
JL | FADM Red, Capt Dunross | "The Briefest of Seconds"
by Captain Aleksandr Dunross & Fleet Admiral Blyx Red
JL CinC & Beta Quadrant Security Commander
by Rear Admiral Sidra MacLaren & Fleet Admiral Sean Archer
241708.19 En Route to CST
JDL | Fleet Admiral Blyx Red, Captain Aleksandr Dunross & Commander Marcus Carrol M.D. | "Deeper Wounds" (Part One)
by Fleet Admiral Blyx Red & Captain Aleksandr Dunross & Commander Marcus Carrol M.D.
2 Days Post Op Medical | Cold Station Theta
JL Beta Quadrant Security Advisor & Director of Internal Affairs | RAdm MacLaren & Commo MacCafferey | "Breathless"
by Commodore Stephen MacCafferey & Rear Admiral Sidra MacLaren
241708.12 En Route to CST
JL | Capt Dunross, LtCmdr Leshini - Sec31 Director, Surgical Assistant | "Off To Never Never Land"
by Fleet Admiral Blyx Red & Captain Aleksandr Dunross
JDL | CMDR Marcus Carrol M.D. & LTCMDR Candice Lenshini | "Flesh and Bone" (Part Two)
by Fleet Admiral Blyx Red & Commander Marcus Carrol M.D.
Medical | Cold Station Theta
JDL | CMDR Marcus Carrol M.D. & LTCMDR Candice Leshini P.A. | "Flesh and Bone" (Part One)
by Fleet Admiral Blyx Red & Commander Marcus Carrol M.D.
Medical | Cold Station Theta
Fleet Admiral Red - CO, Beta Quadrant | "The Name Tag's The Last Thing You Wanted"
by Fleet Admiral Blyx Red
Cold Station Theta
JL | FADM Red, Capt Dunross - BQ Commander, SEC 31 Director | "Let The Sky Fall"
by Fleet Admiral Blyx Red & Captain Aleksandr Dunross
JDL | FADM Blyx Red & COM Jorgun | "Eating Out" (Part Two)
by Fleet Admiral Blyx Red & Commodore Jorgun
Flag Wardroom | Cold Station Theta
DL| Section 31 Commander Aleksandr Dunross "Patient Zero" Part 1
by Captain Aleksandr Dunross
Cold Station Theta
JL | Sseibb Tr'Bak, Rochelle Ivanova (MU) | "That Certain Female"
by Commodore Rochelle Ivanova
JL | FADM Red, Com Jorgun - BQ CO, Sector CO | "Stray Cat Strut"
by Fleet Admiral Blyx Red & Commodore Jorgun
JL | FADM Red, Capt Dunross - BQ Commander, SEC 31 Director | "Zdravstvuyte"
by Fleet Admiral Blyx Red & Captain Aleksandr Dunross
Cold Station Theta
JL | Aendeh Tr'Esun, Rochelle Ivanova (MU) - "Bang Bang"
by Commodore Rochelle Ivanova
JL | Sseibb Tr'Bak, Aendeh Tr'Esun, Rochelle Ivanova (MU) - "Shades of Blue"
by Commodore Rochelle Ivanova
JL | Aendeh Tr'Esun, Rochelle Ivanova (MU) - "i'irae'edh"
by Commodore Rochelle Ivanova
JL | Aendeh Dr. Tr'Esun, Rochelle Ivanova (MU) - "Tools of the Trade"
by Commodore Rochelle Ivanova
JL | erie'Ssiebb Vrith Tr'Bak, Rochelle Ivanova (MU) - "Multiplicity"
by Commodore Rochelle Ivanova
JL | Ssiebb V'rith Tr'Bak Rochelle Ivanova (mirrror universe), Gul Almar Dahe'el (mirror universe) - "Duplicity"
by Commodore Rochelle Ivanova

Mission Summary