Joint Personal Log | Kerry Malone & Kassi Denterius | "Favors and Conditions"
Posted on 241412.01 @ 10:38am by Rear Admiral Kassandra Harper & Fleet Admiral Kerry Malone
Mission: Non-Plot Log
He'd been surprised to have been invited to the wedding, to be sure, but he was glad to be here. It was nice to be involved in a purely social function. He did however have some other business to attend to, and that was something he'd need to talk to the upcoming bride about.
Kassi was moving around, double checking the last little bit of things and chatting away with Amelia. Usually it was work that she could throw herself into when she was nervous and had things on her mind. Right now, work was the farthest thing on her mind for once as she threw herself into her wedding. Spotting Malone she nipped on her lower lip and whispered something to Mel who nodded and hurried off, after all... she had been threatening to hunt down Patrick and talk to him.
"Admiral... welcome." She said, suddenly slightly shy.
"Admiral." Malone replied, with a sly smile. "Excited for the big day?"
"Excited, nervous and a few other emotions that I'm not sure I want to admit to yet. " Kassi said nibbling on her lower lip. "With everything that's been going on, I wasn't sure if you would be able to make it."
"Well, I had two weeks on Risa, so I got to relax and enjoy myself." Malone responded. "When I heard you were getting married, I have to be honest, I was a little surprised."
"You and me both." A soft blush touching her checks. "Ohh..." She frowned a moment and swallowed hard. "I needed to speak with you about something... It likely could wait... at least part of it could... till later. But, we are both apt to get busy again and well..."
"What's the matter?" Malone asked.
"I want permission to show Patrick that... that PaDD." The slight clinch of her teeth and tenseness that hit her gave clear hint that she'd gotten around to read it.
Malone frowned. "Is this going to become a thing, Kassi? You do appreciate that you're a superior officer to your husband. There's going to be information you have that will be classified beyond his clearance level. You won't be able to share it with him. Am I going to have to worry about this?"
"I understand all that Sir, and no, you won't have to worry about things like that. I know how to keep work and personal separate... just as he can. But, this is different... this has to do with me and after what I put him though the last time. I feel he has a right to know." She took a slow deep breath as she looked at him with determination. "I'm asking you, I didn't just do it. If you tell me no, I'll respect your decision because of the reasoning you just stated." Though clearly she would be far from happy about it.
He pondered. "I'll allow it, on one condition, beyond the obvious 'he can't tell anyone about it' line."
"And that would be Sir?" Kassi asked somewhat relieved that he'd said yes... after all, the condition couldn't be that bad... right?
Malone began pacing about the room. "I have a problem, Kassi, and I've been wondering how to solve it." He said. "I've been given the task, as you will be aware by now, of reasserting Federation control over the buffer zone between the Dominion and the rest of the Gamma Quadrant. One of the key factors in doing that is the re-establishment of Starbase 204. Frankly, its vital to Starfleet operations in the entire eastern half of the quadrant. Its a resupply point, a repair facility and an RnR point, as well as being a commercial hub for trade in and out of the Spinward wormhole."
The minute the man started pacing, Kassi had started rethinking just how bad this condition could be. And now, as she listened silently her brows furrowed slowly, more and more. After all, she hadn't really needed the history lesson on just how important the Starbase was and was getting a bit curious as to why he felt the need to remind her. Biting her lower lip she tried not to blurt out for him to just get on with it.
"Of course you know all this, you were out there." Malone smiled, knowingly. "However, in order to do this, I need someone to oversee the construction of the new Zetari, and to manage the Zetari sector block, which is a vital sector block as it essentially *is* the buffer zone, going from the wormhole to the northern most tip of the quadrant. Its a lot of space to cover - and I need a Sector Block Commander. The person I had lined up for the job - was reassigned by Hark to fill a different billet that he said was more vital to the Federation."
With a slow cant of her head, Kassi started getting the idea of just were this was all going and she peeked to him and spoke softly. "I could...."
"Well, it would mean giving up being my Chief of Staff - and given the lack of a Starbase at the moment, you'd be based off of Xonnel Colony. There's an old Starfleet facility down there from the days when it was a vital post. Its at least twenty years out of date, so will require extensive renovations to bring it up to snuff. It was also only designed to be the Starfleet administration building of the colony, not a Sector Command post, so you'll have to oversee the redevelopment of Xonnel's infrastructure, and then the construction of Starbase 204. Whilst liasing with Sharpe's marine unit also based on Xonnel - but further around the planet at the old marine base. He also has some work to do to bring that up to standards, so no doubt he'll be calling on you to help there."
The downfall of Kerry's long winded speech was the fact that everything after he said one little thing... went in one ear and got lost in her emotions. She'd figure it out later... but for the moment she was to caught up in the fact that she'd be stationed on Xonnel... with the Marines! While that could be both good and bad, something else she'd have to deal with later. For the moment it was good. Moving to Kerry she wrapped her arms around the man in a hug. "Thank you!"
"I figured you'd accept." He smirked.
"One thing... if you haven't broke this news to Richard... may I?" Kassi asked with a slightly evil glint in her eyes, after the way he was to her, this could be an interesting way to get him back.
"I don't see why not." Kerry replied. "You do appreciate that he's not under your command, yes? He just has to work with you."
"Oh I know Sir. I just figure this news might be good to come from me... later." Smiling now, she gave a fleeting glance around before looking back to him. "Alright, is there anything else we need to get cleared up?"
"Not at the moment, other than you look absolutely radiant, and pending nuptials have done wonders for your health." Malone smiled graciously.
"Well, I think fresh air and some time in the real sun has helped also. But thank you.... you should go relax though, have Richard show you around on his cart." She said with a smile.
"I have strolled around the grounds. I don't think General Sharpe is very fond of me." Malone sighed. "I think he resents that he wasn't able to retire like he was promised. Its not my fault, but he blames me none the less."
"Everyone needs to have someone to blame when things don't go right. He'll get over it... just as we all do." Kassi said warmly.
"Well, he doesn't have to like me for us to work together." Malone replied. "I'm going to be the Theatre Commander out there, and he reports to me, whether he likes it or not."
She nodded a little. "Give him time Sir, he'll get over it and things will be fine."
"Well, I won't take up anymore of your time." Malone replied. "I'll see you tomorrow at the ceremony."
"Thanks again Admiral." Kassi replied, smiling as she watched him head out.
= End Log =
Fleet Admiral Kerry Malone
Starfleet CinC
Rear Admiral Kassi Denterius
Zetari Sector CO
Gamma Quadrant Command