Fleet Log || Adm Hark & Commo Korath || "Gun barrel diplomacy..."
Posted on 241501.06 @ 8:29pm by Admiral Alexander Hark & Commodore Korath
Reconciliation & Reconstruction [Fleet Plot]
Location: Starfleet Command / Korath's Quarters
The sounds of Klingon Opera filled the Commander's quarters, so much so that the muffled sounds could be heard from the corridor outside. Korath himself sang along as he practiced the Mok'bara. He had been neglecting it of late while his Daughter and Chief Medical Officer were still recovering from an alien virus. "Computer... COMPUTER! Mute playback. " he called out as he stood and walked over to the comm panel. "Computer, open a subspace channel to Admiral Harks Office. "
[Working,... Link established]
Several moments later, the Familiar starfleet seal was replaced with the image of the Admiral. "Admiral. I am not disturbing you am I?" Korath inquired.
"You are not, Commodore Korath, I had just finished discussing plans with our friends in the Empire, it would seem they are still willing to lend aid should Starfleet need it, which is quite pleasing." Hark replied with a slight bow of the head towards the Klingon.
"I wished to report that we have completed our last mission. " It was not actually a mission per-sey since at the time the Archer was working on it's own authority during the recent hostilities on the home front. Though the Klingon CO had trouble classifying the events as anything else. "I shall be attaching a copy of our logs as well pertaining to the first contact of both species involved. "
"Ah excellent, I look forward to reviewing them in due time." the greying Admiral replied with a slight smile as he slid a padd to the side of his desk, "You'll be glad to know that the war has ended, quite swiftly, with the aid of the Klingons we were able to regain control of the core planets and restore some semblence of peace to the Federation."
"I am certain my crew will be happy to hear that Admiral." Korath nodded.
"However with that being said, there are a few worlds who have refused to rejoin the council and have declared their independence and still a few worlds where Federation First still holds some kind of control, we have a task force that needs heading up to regain the trust of these worlds and bring them back into the fold." Xander replied as he tapped a few buttons and sent a transmission to the Archer, "Your new orders Commodore."
Korath skimmed the orders. Not exactly up his alley, to use the Terran phrase. "You want us to make nice with the locals and convince them to rejoin the Federation." The Klingon paraphrased, if crudely.
"In brief, you'll be heading up the third Squadron of Home Fleet, you're being tasked with repairing the bonds that once held these worlds to the Federation, diplomacy my dear Klingon will be your friend in this instance," the Admiral responded as he took a sip of the tea that appeared on his desk from the hands of his aide, "Where Federation First still hold ground, you may be forced to... use your imagination in removing them."
Korath leaned forward and clasped his fingers together. He had not dealt with the Federation First faction himself. Not directly. What he knew of them, he gleamed from reports. "I can't imagine they will be willing to give up what power they may have been able to hold onto. They will no doubt use any means they can to undermine our mission. I will assume by your direction to use 'imagination' that the use of force against these remaining vestiges is to be avoided?"
"The use of obvious force is to be avoided," the Admiral replied with a slight smile, "We're trying to win back the hearts and minds of the people we serve, we cannot do that if we act as conquerers and despots, that is not who Starfleet are."
"Understood sir. How soon should we expect to rendezvous with the rest of the ships in our squadron?"
"As soon as you return to Jupiter Station, the Squadron is awaiting your command, you'll find the list of systems that need attention in your orders, how you go about them is at your own discretion," Hark replied quickly.
"Understood sir. We will get underway immediately." Korath nodded. He tapped his comm panel. "Helm, set a course for Jupiter station. Warp 8" He then turned his attention back to Admiral Hark. "We should be arriving at Jupiter station in about a day."
Hark smiled and gave the Klingon another nod of respect and raised his tea to his lips for a few seconds, "I will let them know to expect you, the Archer has use of Jupiter Station as it's base of operations, repair and resupply before you head out though, I wouldn't like to think what you could encounter on your journeys," the Admiral added with a slight chuckle.
"What ever those challenges are, I am confident the Archer can handle them."
"I'm sure she can, Commodore," Hark replied quickly, "Let me know when you reach Jupiter, Hark out." he added before cutting off the transmission with a single press of a button on the console below him.
"Understood Admiral, Archer out."
(End Log.)
Admiral Alexander 'Xander' Hark
Commander in Chief
Starfleet Command
Commodore Korath
Commanding Officer
USS Archer - E