Starfleet Command

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RAdm. Harper | "Just a cold?"

Posted on 241501.06 @ 11:02am by Rear Admiral Kassandra Harper

Mission: The Fight For Peace [GQ Plot]

=*= Starfleet base, Xonnel =*=

“Ah.... Ah... Choo” Came the start of yet another sneezing fit. One that seemed to leave Kassi red faced and muttering as she reached for her box of Kleenex’s and apologized to Signor yet again.

“It's alright, but you should likely see the doctor Admiral.” Came the reply of the Vulcan mix breed as he watched the woman before him. Hands clasped behind his back as they spoke and he waited to get back to work.

“No no, I'm fine, it's likely just a cold... Now where were we. Oh yes...” Kassi said as she moved to the replicator to get another glass of orange juice. “From the reports the updates seem to be going well, or at least good enough to pull a few Engineers from what they are doing. I'm sure with a bit of rearranging, everything will still get done as needed.”

“It's illogical to stop the progress that is being made Admiral. I recommend that we continue as we are now. It will, after all, get things done sooner. Something that will make things around here run smoother.” Signor replied, having memorized the list of things that needed to be done.

“Yes, yes I'm sure it is, but the Marines need some help and so we are going to sent them some, get with the chief and have him give a list of some Engineers that he can afford to lost and that are higher grade then Ensigns. Those are my orders Commander.” Kassi said as she looked firmly to the pointy earred man before her. “And make sure that they know I will be giving the General permission to shot anyone that acts up and makes an ass out of themselves when it comes to the old who's better, Marines or Fleeties. I didn't put up with it on my Station, I won't put up with it here either.”

“Aye Ma'am, I'll make sure they know.” Not bothering to question the shooting part, after all he doubted she had it in her to shoot anyone, but after the stunt the General had previously pulled, he wasn't so sure about that man.

“Good. Now, shall we con... con...” Her face mushed up as another round of sneezes hit her. “Dammit” Kassi muttered as she finally stopped and managed to catch her breath. A lift of her glass for another drink as she took a moment to focus her thoughts once more.

Signor frowned as Kassi seemed to be sneezing more than usual lately. 'Ma'am, If I'm not over stepping, I strongly advice you to see a Doctor. You are after all newly married, a Bajoran, and sneezing it a sign of...”

“Enough Commander.” She said, stopping him from continuing with something that she wasn't ready for anyone to even think about other than her. Shaking her head, she stood up and moved to look out the window a moment with a furrow of brows. “I think we should take a break Commander. You can deliver those orders and see how things are going, I'll let you know when I'm ready to meet with you again.”

“Aye Admiral.” Signor replied before stepping back and turning to stride out the door. This time, he knew to keep his thoughts to himself... at least for now.

As the door closed, Kassi sighed softly as one hand lifted to rub her face before coming to rest upon her stomach absentmindedly. Signor was right, she knew well the signs of pregnancy and she was showing them. As thrilled as she was for this, she couldn't help but to be surprised considering everything her body had been though. She knew she needed to speak with a doctor, but she wasn't overly sure she was to trusting of the one's that were currently on site. Yes, she would have to try and track down her old doctor. That one would know well her history and would be able to recommend a good one for her. But for now, she needed to at lest confirm her suspicions.

A bit of time later, Kassi managed to step into the medical building and look around. A soft breath of relief as she took note that things were at least looking decently good. A bit lost in her thoughts of work, she almost bumped into the green eyed woman. “Oh, sorry.”

“Admiral, it's alright I should have been paying more attention. May I help you?” Kallia said with a sheepish look having bumped into the admiral.

Looking at the uniform and pips Kassi took note of her rank. “Yes Lieutenant, I need.. to see a doctor.”

“Well we are looking at one, I am Doctor Kallia. How can I help you?” the Lieutenant replied as she started slowly guiding Kassi to a private room. “And please excuse the mess, as you know we are still in the works of getting things updated.”

“Understandable Doctor.” Kassi said with a warm smile as she moved to sit on the bio bed. “What I need you to do must stay private Doctor.” Kassi said with a firm look at the other woman.

“Of course Admiral.”

“Good, I need to be checked to see if I'm... “ Kassi nipped lightly on her lower lip. “If I'm pregnant.” As soon as the words were out of her mouth, a bout of nerves hit her followed by yet another sneezing spell.

A slight look of surprise caught the young doctor, though she quickly composed herself and moved to gather a small plastic cup. “I know it's old school Admiral, but it's still efficient.”

Sighing, Kassi took the cup and headed off to do what she needed to do. Returning and handing it over Kassi took her place on the biobed again while the doctor ran the test. “So, while we are waiting on that... how are you? Do you need anything down here? I don't believe I've gotten an updated report from you all down here. Pregnant or not Kassi knew she still had her work to do and would keep up on it.

“I was getting ready to go do that when you came in Ma'am. I'll make sure you have an updated one pronto.” Smiling, seeing the results of the test, Kallia moved about the office to gather a few things. “You'll need to start taking these vitamins Ma'am, and make sure to eat right. And please try not to stress yourself out.” Stopping in front of the Admiral Kallia took a deep breath before speaking. “I'm not totally sure of myself when it comes to Bajoran pregnancy’s. I'll see if I can't find another doctor that might now more, after all you will need one.”

Kassi took a slow deep breath a moment as she felt her emotions swirling within her. “Thanks, but I think I can get a doctor who knows my medical history to see me though this.” She said warmly to the young officer. Taking her cane she slide off the biobed. “I'll do as you said and try not to stress out. For now though, I need a walk.” And to think... though she left that part out. “Make sure you get me that report, and a list of anything else you all might need down here.”

“Aye Ma'am.” Kallia said softly as she watched the Admiral leave. Worry etched in her eyes, yet she knew that like most women who first find out they are pregnant, she needed some time to let it soak in.

=*= End log =*=

Rear Admiral Kassi Harper
Commander, Zetari Sector Block

Commander Signor (apb: Wench)

Doctor Kallia (apb Wench)


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