Joint Log - ColFischer(NPC)/RAdmDenterius - "Two days..."
Posted on 241409.24 @ 5:30am by Rear Admiral Kassandra Harper & Colonel Adam Towers
Mission: Insurrection [Fleet Plot]
=*= Vesuvius =*=
Kassi had been avoiding the Bridge like the plague for the most part, after all she'd given Fischer the order to take them home. She wasn't needed up there now, of course she wasn't exactly sure what she was needed for anymore. Than again, that was her emotions talking as she knew logically Fleet would find someplace to ship her off to, she was an Admiral after all. Of course retiring was something that crossed her mind again lately, after all her track record lately didn't seem to be the greatest.
With a deep breath she stepped onto the bridge and looked around a moment before her gaze rested on the Fischer. "A moment please, Colonel?"
"Of course, Admiral." He said, nodding to his XO as he stood up and walked briskly to the back of the bridge.
"What's the ETA till we reach Admiral Malone?" She asked as the man made his way over to her. It was the logical question to ask after all, after all she wasn't exactly sure what she really wanted to ask or say. Simply she had the urge to talk to someone, and he seemed like a good choice.
"Two days, Admiral. Vesuvius is a bit slower than the rest of the fleet, so they're having to throttle back to keep us all together." Fischer explained.
"Understandable, I was just curious." She said with a slight nod of her head as she pondered the fact that she needed to take these two days to get herself together before she came face to face with Malone and the others. "Are you... is everyone doing alright?" Kassi asked softly. "I mean, as well as can be expected of course."
"I think many people are concerned about you, Admiral. What happened was awful, but none of us had a particularly personal connection to the station." Fischer said.
Kassi listened, and was quiet for a moment before speaking. "I'm fine... I mean.. I'll be fine. I just need to... regroup, I suppose." Brows furrowed some, the fact that she had people worried about her right now for some reason bothered her. She needed people to focus on the bigger picture, the war that was going on.
"Well the most difficult part is yet to come. At some point we'll have to have a confrontation in the Sol system." Fischer said, almost just thinking out loud.
Kassi gave a little nod hearing him, she knew there was more to come but could she handle it? A soft sigh slipped from her with that thought as her grip tightened to that can a little more absentmindedly. "Perhaps it will go better... " She said softly before giving a little shake of her head before glancing around a moment. "Anything else I should know... that I haven't already gotten the reports on?"
"No, Admiral. And I'll let you know if anything comes up." Fischer replied.
“Thank you, I think that's all for now.” Kassi said before giving another glance to those around a moment, likely in hopes that she was managing to give everyone the idea that she was still keeping herself together and being strong. Turning back to Fisher she gave him a slight nod of her head before speaking softly. “I may pop back on at times, but I'll stay out of your way.”
Shifting, she headed off the bridge once more to make her way to the ready room. Two days... two days before she had to face the Admiral, and even more people. She needed to use that time to get her reports together and even more so... to get herself together.
Rear Admiral Kassi Denterius
TaskGroup CO
TaskGroup 1.4
Colonel Cael Fischer (NPC apb Towers)
Commanding Officer
MCS Vesuvius